четверг, 27 августа 2020 г.
College Essay Essay Example for Free
School Essay Do we send understudies to school to develop actually and mentally or carefully to create business related aptitudes? As you would like to think what ought to be the reason for an advanced degree and what do you plan to pick up from your own understanding? School is a major advance for anybody, particularly young people, who is as yet growing up. Not at all like in secondary school where the fundamental center is the educational plan, school likewise centers around creating character. School isn't about papers and tests; it is tied in with developing by and by and mentally while creating business related abilities to help throughout everyday life. An advanced degree includes more than books and tests. It ought to be an encounter an understudy ought to always remember. At Southwestern University, the school saying is â€Å"Be Southwestern. †To â€Å"Be Southwestern†understudies must be resolved and centered. To â€Å"Be Southwestern†understudies must be included. During my visit to Southwestern University, I saw that for such a little school there are such huge numbers of chances accessible to learn in assortment of conditions and take an interest in grounds life. At Southwestern University the grounds life comprises of music, plays, Greek life, athletic occasions, strict interests, and groundwork for the examination abroad program. I have never been out of this nation, and one thing I like about Southwestern is the investigation abroad program. By and by, I have for a long while been itching to go to Italy. Not on the grounds that I am enamored with Italian food but since it’s so unique in relation to America. I need to go to a school that permits me to see the world and experience new things. An advanced degree should assist you with meeting your craving to investigate and cooperate with your general surroundings. Something else I like about Southwestern University is how much assistance is accessible for understudies from educators. I need to go to a school that has little class sizes and thinks about me as a person. Each Southwestern University understudy I’ve conversed with has said the educators will know what your identity is, will consistently be accessible for help, and will consistently enable you to succeed. At Southwestern University, an understudy isn't only a number. The educators there are committed to a student’s individual achievement. Rather than heading off to a guide, an understudy can plan a straightforward gathering with the educator to talk about theclass. A little assistance can go far. As an understudy at Southwestern University, I want to keep on fortifying my feeling of pride and administration. I have played the sport of softball my whole life and would like to keep on playing seriously in school. In my school softball experience, I would like to increase a more noteworthy motivation to propel myself harder than at any other time both, scholastically and physically. I trust one day when I think back on my school vocation I can say that Southwestern made me the understudy competitor I generally needed to be. Through my school encounters, I will see the world in another point of view, growing new educated light in an assortment of subjects, and taking part in testing educational program and conversations. I need to discover who I am and what sort of individual I will become, and I firmly trust Southwestern University will assist me with doing that. An advanced degree ought to also build up an individual’s gratefulness for history. I go to a secondary school that is beginning to make its history; nonetheless, I need to go to a college that has its history previously settled. As the most established school in Texas, Southwestern University has numerous customs. I need to have the option to take part in these conventions and maybe help make some new ones while I’m there. I don’t simply need to be a piece of history I need to impact the world forever. A school experience ought to be probably the best time in a person’s life. The educators, the exercises, and the historical backdrop of the school should assist one with growing by and by and mentally as an understudy. I realize that my time spent at Southwestern University will make me more grounded, sure, and a progressively autonomous reasoning person who is prepared to confront challenge of workplace as well as whatever life tosses at me.
суббота, 22 августа 2020 г.
A Tale of Two Cities Essay: The French Revolution and the Legacy :: Tale Two Cities Essays
The French Revolution and the heritage of A Tale of Two Cities It is an ordinary of Dickensian analysis that the essayist was affected via Carlyle's The French Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities. Taking Dickens' remark that he read Carlyle's history "five hundred times" (I. Collins 46) as a beginning stage, numerous pundits have examined Carlyle's impact on a few parts of the novel, for example, the account strategy (Friedman 481-5), the symbolism related with the Revolution (I. Collins 52; Baumgarten 166; Lodge 131-2), and the portrayal of the verifiable scenes (Lodge 134; Friedman 489). But then, Dickens' attitude toward progressive savagery contrasted essentially from that of Carlyle. As Irene Collins calls attention to, Dickens "dislikes the brutality of the progressives, both in its famous structure (the horde) and in its systematized structure (the Terror). In contrast to Carlyle, he can no longer observe equity in the violence" (53). In addition, it is Dickens' epic, as opposed to Carlyle's history, whi ch is answerable for the well known picture of the French Revolution in England in our century, not least because of the notoriety of A Tale of Two Cities on film and TV. The most celebrated adjustment of the novel is the 1935 MGM creation, coordinated by Jack Conway. The film promoted especially on scenes delineating the progressive crowd: the film pundit Derek Winnert depicts it as "a uncontrollably indulgent production" with "17000 additional items in the Paris road scenes" (1009). The tale was again shot in 1958 by the British executive Ralph Thomas. This creation again utilized a "lavish staging" (Winnert 1009). The tale has end up being a mainstream hotspot for TV adjustments also: it was adjusted in 1980 and 1989, the first being an ATV creation coordinated by Jim Goddard and the last an Anglo-French creation coordinated by Philippe Monnier. A Tale of Two Cities advanced the picture of a steady England by utilizing progressive France as a setting to feature the complexities between the two nations, in spite of the fact that Dickens appeared to have confidence in the eighteen-fifties that England was going towards an uprising on the size of the French Revolution. In the twentieth century, we see the French Revolution utilized as a 'luxurious' setting in film and TV creations of A Tale of Two Cities. In the introduction to the novel, Dickens says "It has been one of my wants to add something to the well known and beautiful methods for understanding that horrible time" (xiii). A Tale of Two Cities Essay: The French Revolution and the Legacy :: Tale Two Cities Essays The French Revolution and the inheritance of A Tale of Two Cities It is a typical of Dickensian analysis that the essayist was impacted via Carlyle's The French Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities. Taking Dickens' remark that he read Carlyle's history "five hundred times" (I. Collins 46) as a beginning stage, numerous pundits have talked about Carlyle's effect on a few parts of the novel, for example, the account method (Friedman 481-5), the symbolism related with the Revolution (I. Collins 52; Baumgarten 166; Lodge 131-2), and the portrayal of the authentic scenes (Lodge 134; Friedman 489). But, Dickens' point of view toward progressive savagery varied altogether from that of Carlyle. As Irene Collins calls attention to, Dickens "dislikes the savagery of the progressives, both in its famous structure (the horde) and in its organized structure (the Terror). In contrast to Carlyle, he can no longer observe equity in the violence" (53). Additionally, it is Dickens' epic, instead of Carlyle's history, which is answer able for the famous picture of the French Revolution in England in our century, not least because of the fame of A Tale of Two Cities on film and TV. The most well known adjustment of the novel is the 1935 MGM creation, coordinated by Jack Conway. The film promoted especially on scenes delineating the progressive crowd: the film pundit Derek Winnert portrays it as "a fiercely lavish production" with "17000 additional items in the Paris road scenes" (1009). The epic was again shot in 1958 by the British chief Ralph Thomas. This creation again utilized a "lavish staging" (Winnert 1009). The epic has end up being a mainstream hotspot for TV adjustments also: it was adjusted in 1980 and 1989, the first being an ATV creation coordinated by Jim Goddard and the last an Anglo-French creation coordinated by Philippe Monnier. A Tale of Two Cities advanced the picture of a steady England by utilizing progressive France as a setting to feature the differentiations between the two nations, in spite of the fact that Dickens appeared to put stock in the eighteen-fifties that England was going towards an uprising on the size of the French Revolution. In the twentieth century, we see the French Revolution utilized as a 'luxurious' setting in film and TV creations of A Tale of Two Cities. In the prelude to the novel, Dickens says "It has been one of my would like to add something to the well known and beautiful methods for understanding that horrendous time" (xiii).
пятница, 21 августа 2020 г.
Writing-Essay Topics
Writing-Essay TopicsThe choice of the topic in a he said, she says essay is a very important decision that the student has to make for it to turn out as a good and well-written piece. They say essay topics have been discussed in many an essay course but there are some other things to consider and learn that can improve your chances of being chosen for this feature in an essay.Just, like in a he said she says essay, there are many topics you can choose from but the trick is in finding the right one for you. They say essay topics are the most important parts and the subject matter for the entire work.When searching for the topic, remember that you have to find the one that would address your skill level. Your writing ability should be geared to tackle the topics that are on the topic list.One important thing is to keep your writing short and focused on the issue at hand. Do not read a topic that you think you could master in an hour, it will probably turn out to be too long and monoton ous for you. Pick out a topic that you can tackle and then practice and revise as required.You have to keep the subject about the same every time you write on it as this would give you the advantage of having a fresh and new experience each time you do it. You can choose the topic for the particular lesson you have to write on but make sure that it would have relevance for the lesson or idea you have chosen for it.For example, if you are to write about 'how to set goals', you have to come up with a list of goals that you want to achieve. Based on these goals, you have to come up with a list of the major things that need to be done for you to achieve them. After that, come up with a list of your skills and talents that will be of use for achieving these goals.If you have a lot of things to do, a good idea for a topic may be 'What is my best idea'. Based on your brainstorming, you can now write the essay based on what you have already prepared and written down.The most important part of any assignment is the task itself. That is why it is important to plan before writing. A clear and precise plan on what to write and how to compose the information will help you create a good and accurate composition.
понедельник, 25 мая 2020 г.
Essay On Humans A Bag Full Of Memories - 1578 Words
Fazil Quaisar Seminar Paper 1 Humans: A Bag Full of Memories One, almost instinctive, characteristic of humans is the need to categorize and label the people that surround them in order to create a scheme. We then proceed to assimilate ourselves to those groups, formulating our self perceived identity. However, how do we decide what group we fit into? What causes us to believe our identity is valid? Memories are the keys to this question. To begin discussing about this, one must distinguish the difference between the right side of and the left side our brain. In Jill Bolte-Taylor’s TED talk, â€Å"My Stroke of Insight,†she says, â€Å"the right side of the brain is all about right here, right now.†The right hemisphere uses the kinesthetics,†¦show more content†¦With these self descriptions, individuals start to create a image of who we are because they are a reflection of who we are. The idea of self is discussed in David Eagleman’s essay entitled â€Å"Who Am I.†The essay discusses the origin of the â€Å"self†and states that â€Å"everything that we’ve experienced has altered the physical structure of your brain.†Essentially every choice I make is defining who I am and what I think I am. Likewise, the choices that I make show others who I think I am. These choices include gender, style, thoughts, ideals, beliefs, individuality and numerous other things. However sometimes people don’t stay true to their identity. Humans tend to use descriptions and judgements about others - physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally - to give ourselves a place in the social structure by comparison. The enforcement of such a social hierarchy often discludes certain people and enforces stereotypes amongst one another, especially amongst teens. Eagleman states that â€Å"teens are not only emotionally hypersensitive,†- which leads to their desire to fit in - â€Å" but also [are] less able to control their emotions than adults.†Such desires of assimilation lead all people, teens specifically, start to create a facade of an identity in order to fit in. They start to act and dress like the people they desire to be and eventually lose a total sense of self by trying to align themselves to others.Show MoreRelatedWoman Of Pride By Zora Neal Hurston1222 Words  | 5 Pagestragically colored†(Hurston 6), meaning that Zora had embraced who she is, and held her head up with pride and did not let the criticism depress her. In her essay Zora goes on to add â€Å"No I do not weep at the world, I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife†(Hurston 6), Not worrying about what people think of her and refusing to stay bound by the memory of slavery also having the freedom to do anything she please letting anyone bring her down. As Zora becomes an adult living in New York CityRead MoreDescriptive Essay : Eyes Under The Water 993 Words  | 4 PagesDawson Sturgis April 15th, 2017 Fountain Memory Essay Eyes Under the Water I live beneath the depths of Lewis Smith Lake, a large reservoir in North Alabama. My streets are made up of big boulders, clay mud, grass, and gravel. My highways stretch twenty-one thousand acres. My depth can reach up to five hundred feet below the surface in some places. Boat docks are spread throughout the five hundred miles of shoreline and are home to some of the lake’s most expensive boats. Along the hillsides thereRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Madame Tutli Putli 1493 Words  | 6 Pages she confronts both the consideration and threat of outsiders. Finding herself entrapped in a desperate metaphysical adventure unfastened in the middle of genuine and envisioned universes, Madame Tutli-Putli confronts her demons. In this critical essay I will be exploring how the theme of one’s life journey and the acceptance of death as an inevitability is communicated through Visual Style/Mise-en-scene, Narrative Structure and Characteristics. Set in the first half of the twentieth century, MadameRead MoreBeing Born And Raised As A Buddhist2350 Words  | 10 Pagesflawed judgments of humans and it’s consequences. According the author Stephen King, because human judgment is unethical, and prejudiced, people have lost their humanity. King further points out that compare to human judgment the divine judgment is a lot more forgiving. Human judgment is unethical and dishonorable because humans are all sinners and they all make mistakes, especially in judging others. The novel The Green Mile, issued death row as one of the bad judgments of the human. The narrator,Read MoreSherry Turkles1796 Words  | 8 Pagesthe answers to practically everything. From searching the web to always communicating through a text; cellular phones have tethered the adolescents themselves including the people around them; it involves everyone. In the sections of Sherry Turkle’s essay Can You Hear Me Now, ‘The Tethered Adolescent’ one can connect to prove that society is losing itself through technology but it starts at a young age when given a cellular phone which then evolves into using technology in day to day life communicatingRead MoreViolation Of The Maxims Of Cooperative Principle7912 Words  | 32 Pagesour illusion and accept the basic absurdity of life for what it is. It does not simply reflect real spe ech, but promotes values of silence and pauses for effective communication. The study, which attempts to interpret the selected dialogues, gives full sense of meaning to the plot. It also tries to evaluate the relationship among the characters as they change their mindset as per the situation in which they are placed in the plays. Rationale of the Study: The present study will make it understandableRead More Disjunction versus Communion in Raymond Carvers Short Stories3821 Words  | 16 Pagesinterested in the personal intimate relationships in life so why not deal with these relationships in literature?†¦little experiences are important underpinnings in our daily lives†¦They are, after all, something that we all shareâ€â€as readers, writers, and human beings†¦I dont think there should be any barriers, artificial or otherwise, between life and its written about. (Stull, Matters 180) The major task of my argument is to explain the reasons I feel Communion is more significant. Similarly mentionedRead MorePsychology Workbook Essay22836 Words  | 92 Pages | | Key Terms Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes. Exercises 1. Put a check mark by each statement that is true regarding psychology. __X_ Psychologists study human behavior. __X___ Psychologists study animal behavior. ____X_ Psychologists study emotions and mental processes. _____ Psychology and common sense lead to the same conclusions about behavior and mental processes. _____ Psychology isRead More How William Faulkner Constructs His Characters in Absalom, Absalom!4434 Words  | 18 Pagesall the others. At any point in the multiple narratives in Absalom, Absalom!, it is essential to keep in mind that there are two stories being told: one, the tragic history of the Sutpens, the other, the unwitting autobiography of the raconteur.This essay attempts to examine the different narratives in the novel in order to identify and analyze the traits of each of the narrators. By doing this, I also hope to clear up some of the ambiguities of the narration in the novel. The question in Absalom, AbsalomRead More Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Escape From an Oppressive Society6239 Words  | 25 Pagesan interesting point here. He states that to go against slavery was a moral smirch. Slavery was so much a part of these peoples lives that they made it part of their morality, their religious sense. It was morally correct to enslave another h uman being, but to help another was a crime. This illustrates the irony and hypocrisy of the South. The characters and actions in Huckleberry Finn embody the culture of a growing nation and the people that comprised it. All aspects of Huckleberry
пятница, 15 мая 2020 г.
The Reasons behind Procrastination - 2371 Words
The deadline for this paper is one week away and Ive written just this sentence. Every time I sat down to start, my mind would drift away and I would think about anything but this. There always seems to be something that is far more important or interesting that needs to be taken care of first. The deadline is getting closer and I am starting to get anxious on whether or not I am going to finish in time, yet I do this to myself all of the time. These actions and feelings are considered textbook traits of procrastination. Defined as the act of delaying the completion of one task in favor of another less urgent or more pleasurable task, procrastination can affect people in all walks of life (2007). The purpose of this paper is to discuss and explore the growing phenomenon of procrastination and its effects on academic achievement as well as offer tips on how to combat it. Although the definition of procrastination varies between individuals, the theories on understanding why people procrastinate generally tend to be grouped into four different perspectives: differential, motivational and volitional, clinical and situational psychology (2013). These psychologies discuss all of the behavioral, biological and cultural aspects of procrastination. Something that must be noted is that the lines between these psychologies are blurred and it is difficult to place a reason on why an individual procrastinates in solely one area. The differential psychology perspective looks atShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Academic Procrastination1370 Words  | 6 Pages The problem of Academic procrastination Sultan Alqahtani Academic procrastination has quite often been a significant purpose behind poor academic performance particularly among students who are academically competent which is showed in a study done by Onwuegbuzie and Jiao (2000), where 95% of students take part in academic procrastination in a school level while around 61% hesitate at a graduate level. Notwithstanding students realizing that procrastination in academics leads to poor performanceRead MoreInformative Speech On Procrastination1023 Words  | 5 Pagesapproaching and you still haven’t come close to completing your assignment. And we end up somewhere like this. Well, I believe that we can all relate to this and we have all done this to ourselves before. I’m talking about procrastination. B. Social Significance: For many of us, procrastination is a strong and inexplicable force that prevents us from completing our important and urgent tasks. It’s like the same thing when you bring the like poles of magnets together, it repels. And according to a statisticalRead MoreHow Procrastination Is More Or Less Unknown?988 Words  | 4 Pages Procrastination is, for many individuals, a fact of life. Delaying until later an activity which would best be done right away, despite knowing that the delay will likely have a variety of negative effects, such as increased stress or decreased quality of work, is a common behavior. However, until recently, the psychological explanation for procrastination was more or less unknown. Starting in 1997, researchers began to look into the behaviors inherent in and effects of chronic procrastination.Read MoreImmediate Cost And Pursue Immediate Pleasure968 Words  | 4 Pagesrelaxed activities and therefore cause procrastination. So w e conclude that lack of timing rewards will increase the aversivenees of tasks and consequently lead to procrastination. 3. Methods to reduce procrastination Based on previous analysis of procrastination, the fundamental reason for procrastination lied in the avoidance for negative moods and lacking of timing rewards. In this section, we proposed three fundamental interventions to reduce the procrastination. This first one is self-forgivingRead MoreWe Must Work to Overcome Procrastination Essay1486 Words  | 6 Pagespsychological behavior response to our lack of self-control with our behaviors, our emotions, moods, and personalities. A lack of self-control that keeps us from achieving tasks with our full potential. Procrastination by definition is the act or habit of putting off or delaying something. Procrastination is a problem that has been increasing amongst many. Many believe it is most common amongst college students but it is actually a problem that is experienced by different demographic groups including:Read More-Multitasking:This Has Been One Of The New Catch Expressions1370 Words  | 6 Pagescreating a workable list. Workable meaning that the items pertain on the list is achievable by either the leader or their followers. Leaders should not avoid using a list because of the mere appearance of it. The reason for the creation of the list is to cement the ideas behind the plan so that it can be completed in a timely manner. In this format, the list can be shared as well as scrutinized. It is important to note that a created list should contain goals, objective and breaks. The goalsRead MoreThe Impact of Procrastination on College Students1277 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTI ON A. Background of the Study Procrastination is the act or habit of putting tasks on hold. It is the unnecessary postponement of starting or finishing an undertaking, which eventually leads to distress (Solomon Rothblum, 1984). The intentional delay of due tasks is very common among students and lately, it has become prevalent in college settings (Rabin, Fogel Nutter-Upham, 2011). According to Semb, Glick and Spencer (1979), the level of procrastination increases as an individual stays longerRead MoreProcrastination Is The Thief Of Time868 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Procrastination is the thief of time.†Edward Young The ability to procrastinate can be very easy. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines procrastinate as: to put off intentionally and habitually, to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. (online) To choose something enjoyable over a task that must be done is sometimes very easy. Why do we procrastinate? Why do we make the choice to put off todays task till tomorrow? What are some of the causes of procrastinationRead MoreThe Negative Influences Of Procrastination1344 Words  | 6 PagesNegative Influences of Procrastination We’ve all had a paper due on a Wednesday that we had known about for the past two weeks, but for some unknown and involuntary reason, we choose to save it for a Tuesday evening, which turns into a Wednesday morning as we frantically work to finish an assignment we probably could have finished in class over a couple of days. We may have been preoccupied those couple of weeks, with a job, or sports; maybe even putting together a fundraiser of some sort. Or maybeRead MoreEssay about Overcoming Procrastination is Not an Easy Task1333 Words  | 6 Pages Procrastination is the act of putting off doing things at a later time or date for no particular reason. For the person experiencing procrastination it can be either functional or dysfunctional according to the degree of the behavior (qtd. in Sweitzer 11). A person that procrastinates must realize they have a problem and find effective ways to overcome procrastination because they are putting their health, family and job at ris k. According to Joseph Ferrari, a Professor of psychology at DePaul University
среда, 6 мая 2020 г.
Joseph Stalin The Most Ruthless Communist Leader
Erin Bitsuie Mr. Natanabah Senior World History 30 January 2015 Stalin Imagine you live on a farm that you own or so you believe you own. Then one day the leader of your country decides to take away your land in order to promote the prosperity and advancement of your country. You don’t want to give your land away but you have to because if you don’t you will be killed or tortured. Either way fighting for your land won’t do any good because the leader of your country will always get what he wants. Especially if your leader is Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the most ruthless communist leader in history because he perpetrated crimes against humans, tortured, murdered and took away people’s rights in order to have a successful nation. Stalin wanted communism, power, and glory. He would do anything to get what he wanted. For people to obey and follow his rules he would do anything. Even killing people and their family. Stalin was a ruthless man with no remorse. He demanded respect and obedience from his people and anyone who turned against him were killed. No doubt about getting killed or sent to gulags if you wanted to disobey Stalin. If anyone wanted to rebel against Stalin’s orders then he would order his soldiers to kill them. No one got away with talking bad about Stalin or disobeying. Stalin would find out and would kill them. Soon the whole Soviet Union wanted to rebel against Stalin but he was too powerful to stop. On December 18th 1878 in Georgia, Russia one of the mostShow MoreRelatedThe Russian Revolution s Influence On Joseph Stalin1436 Words  | 6 PagesSerene Singh Psarakis SL History G1 5 November 2014 The Russian Revolution’s Influence on Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin greatly influenced Russia and the international community in the years 1924 through 1932. His rise to this power can be explained by the Russian Revolutionary experience that allowed him to gain influence in Russia. Although historians often refer to Stalin as a ruthless, mindless dictator, he redirected the Russian Revolution to later present economic development and opportunityRead MoreStalin s Plan For Communism1210 Words  | 5 Pagesknow the idea of freedom. Joseph Stalin had a plan to make Russia the super power of the world but ultimately failed because communism never works. Stalin released new ideas that he thought would help improve the economy but never actually did. From the time that Stalin came into power in 1924, up until his death in 1953 he transformed Russia’s previously more week society into an active military and industrial superpower striking fear and terror into its citizens. Stalin did play a huge role in defeatingRead MoreHow Did Stal in Rule Russia1694 Words  | 7 Pagesthe death of Lenin in 1924, Russia was faced with Joseph Stalin who ruled the Soviet Union with an iron fist for 24 years. Stalin rarely appeared to be what he really was and consistently was underestimated by his opponents, allowing him to gain support and create fear in the Russian people’s lives. Although Stalin faced much opposition, his manipulating ways allowed him to bypass this through purges, control on media, and his use of propaganda. Stalin pushed the Soviet Union into world power, but withRead MoreJoseph Stalin And The Cult Of The Soviet Union1539 Words  | 7 PagesRhiannon Wademan Professor Prykhodoko CENS 201 15 December 2015 Joseph Stalin and The Personality Cult of the USSR Joseph Stalin is the face of the Soviet Union, and the shift from monarchy to communism, a system that promised equality and order. The Soviet Union, or the USSR, as discussed in lecture, was the first communist society, a society that emphasized the collective effort over individuality. Communism had the vision of social equality by eliminating class division, the emancipation ofRead MoreThe Bad and the Buried 673 Words  | 3 PagesWhen you think of the names Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, what comes to mind? It is more than likely that you thought of their heinous crimes and political affiliations with the Fascist, Socialist, and Communist parties, but why? Shakespeare explains it all through his character Mark Antony in the play titled Julius Caesar. After Caesar’s tragic death, Antony says, â€Å"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar†but it isRead More Joseph Stalin Essays2248 Words  | 9 PagesJoseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death in 1954. He is widely recognized as a dictator, an oppressor, and a ruthless ruler who took the Soviet Union from economic shambles to a superpower, but with the high cost of human sacrifice and his paranoia of opposition. Stalin saw himself as the natural successor of Leninism-Marxism, but in actuality he created a system of his own which did not go according to the philosophy of Karl Marx and Engels. Stalin’s early political careerRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Soviet Revolution1371 Words  | 6 Pageshistorians agree that Vladimir Lenin was one of the most motivating revolutionaries in the history of the world. Once Lenin became a statesman he lost focus on how to run a country, and he lacked a plan. Lenin’s greatest achievements were in fact during the struggle for power in Russia, and not during his time as leader of the USSR. His leadership in the revolutionary Bolshevik par ty served as an important model for later revolutionary leaders of the 20th century. Lenin’s works made important contributionsRead MoreThe Totalitarian Systems That Changed Lives Essay1370 Words  | 6 Pagessystems that I will focus on and that are most â€Å"famous†are Nazism in Germany and Communism in Soviet Russia. There were also other similar totalitarian regimes which I will not be talking about. Communism is the first totalitarian system that I will be talking about. Communism was an idea first introduced by the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is an idea in which all people are equal and there are no classes. Russia was the first communist country in the world. It was the first countryRead MoreTsar Nicholas II And The Great Russian Empire Into A Series Of Fragmented States1295 Words  | 6 PagesTsar Nicholas II and and Joseph Stalin were vicious rulers who both transformed the once great Russian Empire into a series of fragmented states. Nikolay Aleksandrovich was born May 18, 1868 to Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Tsar Alexander III from 1881-1894). He was born to a noble family, his father being Tsar of Russia and his cousin being King George V of England. On March 1 1881, his grandfather was assassinated, making Nicholas the Tsesarevich, or son of the Tsar. Many said that Nicholas’s fatherRead MoreLeadership Style: Stalin, Mussolini, Trump1902 Words  | 8 Pages LEADERS AND THEIR STYLE OF LEADERSHIP Introduction: Leaders are individuals who carry a characteristic persona in them, they have a set of beliefs and paved pathway towards their destined success. Leadership qualities and traits differ with every Leader which is dependent on various factors. Analysing their Leadership qualities and traits gives us a coherent data about their manner of Leadership. This report presents the leadership styles of three leaders: 1. Donald Trump 2. Joseph Stalin 3.
вторник, 5 мая 2020 г.
A healthy community free essay sample
Throughout this class, I have learned some really great information about the physical and mental health of a community, and ways to better them. With the knowledge I have obtained, I will now design a community that I feel is healthy, and describe what it would look like. For starters, there are some factors that I have learned that make a healthy community. These are the physical factors: geography, environment, community size, and industrial development. The social and cultural factors are: beliefs, traditions, prejudices, economy, politics, religion, social norms, and socioeconomic status. There are also the factors of community organizing and individual behavior. (McKenzie) With the knowledge of these factors, my healthy community would be located in a rural area, with the majority of the population working together as a team to help each other out, and having a successful organization program. Within a community, there will be some barriers that could and/or will interfere with it becoming ideal and healthy. Some of these may include the accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability of health care. There could be â€Å"geographic barriers and isolation, transportation issues; undersupply of health-care providers and services in rural areas; rising costs of health care coupled with lower incomes in rural areas that make it difficult for families to afford acute chronic, and/or preventative health care; or differing perspectives on the quality of care, definitions of health and how it is delivered. †(amsa. org) On the thought of an â€Å"ideal†community, I don’t feel that it is completely necessary to have it be so. I feel the community needs to at least meet basic requirements, and still have room to excel. It does help to keep an â€Å"ideal†status in the back of your mind however, since there is always room for improvement. Although if my intentions were to make my community with an ideal status, I would go for these strong points to help my community: improvements in schools, location of the community, working on people getting along and working together, great organization, and the overall behavior of the individuals within the community. In order to have a successful healthy community, you need to promote your community. Some ways that I could do so is by enforcing healthy eating and physical activity, providing access to healthy food, and creating and enforcing a healthy community design. Ways I could do these promotions are by: increasing nutrition and nutrition education in schools, increase or improve physical activity in schools, provide safe routes to schools, and increase availability and accessibility to farmers markets and healthy foods in local stores and grocery stores. Advertising is also a great way to promote a community. This can be done through a variety of media methods, such as: community meetings, community and organizational newsletters, social media, targeted emails, announcements at meetings and religious gatherings and simply by voicing out to the community (spreading the word). (ctb. ku. edu) The stakeholders I would invite to be on an implementation team to create my healthy community would be â€Å"secondary stakeholders†because they prevent you from being â€Å"blindsided†by issues or concerns that you weren’t aware of. They create social capital for the community as well, which therefore makes it possible for people of all ethnicities and cultures in the community to know and value one another. Secondary stakeholders also increase the chances for the success of your healthy community efforts. Examples of secondary stakeholders are: family members, significant others, or friends; schools and their employees; medical professionals; social workers; health and human service organizations; and community volunteers. (ctb. ku. edu) In 25 years, I think the community in which I live will resemble my ideal, healthy community by hopefully having some improvements. Every community, including my own, needs a successful organization program, and the people within the community to have the efforts to want to improve it. There are some improvements in the school systems that I have noticed, such as the security system they have improved. Nobody is allowed inside the school at any given time. If you must go to the office to speak to them, you have to be â€Å"buzzed†in. I think this is a great idea, since there has been an increase in school shootings the past few years. Each year city taxes seem to be rising, so within now and the next 25 years, I hope our taxes go towards things we need, like repairing the roads, community events (to keep the community together and close), etc. More jobs have been opening up in this community, which is definitely a help to us citizens, so I hope within the next 25 years, this community will be better off financially. The security of our community should be improved, from the law enforcement changes and improvements, and fire department volunteers and funds. We currently have one health food store in this area, with the intentions of upgrading and opening up more stores. This will help with the nutrition needs of this area, along with the continuation and improvement of organic and healthy sections in our local grocery stores. Overall, after writing this final assignment, I realize my community needs quite a bit of help, in which I’m sure most communities do. My plan now, as a part of this community, is to get people to want to better themselves and others in our area, and start up some plans of our own. Maybe get some community activities together, talk to the schools on how we can help improve them, and our local health store, to see what it is they need to increase their business and open up in more locations. I want to better my community as much as anyone else does. I know I am just one person, but I feel with the spread of word, I can make a difference. â€Å"BARRIERS TO HEALTH CARE FOR RURAL POPULATIONS (4 OF 6). †AMSA. Breaking Barriers. N. p. N. d. Web. 16 December 2013. â€Å"BARRIERS TO RURAL HEALTH CARE (6 OF 12). †AMSA. Breaking Barriers. N. p. N. d. Web. 16 December 2013. McKenzie, James F. ,Robert R. Pinger and Jerome E. Kotecki. An Introduction to Community Health. Seventh Edition. Massachusetts: Jones Bartlett Learning, 2012. Print. Pg 8-11. â€Å"Promoting Healthy Communities and Preventing Childhood Obesity: Trends in Recent Legislation. †National Conference of State Legislatures. National Conference of State Legislatures. 2013. Web. 16 December 2013. â€Å"Section 8. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests. †Community Tool Box. Community Tool Box. 2013. Web. 16 December 2013.
воскресенье, 12 апреля 2020 г.
Japan vs Uk Economy Essay Example
Japan vs Uk Economy Essay Contemporary history of Japan and UK Japan is the first Asian country to industrialise its economy and become on par with the advanced west. This is all down to a very strong and determined work ethic and their technological aptitude. They place very high emphasis on education and with a comparatively small defence allocation (1% GDP) they have one of the most technologically advanced economies in the world. Japan enjoyed real economic growth for three decades with a 10% average in the 1960s, 5% in the 1970s and 4% in the 1980s. However, growth slowed markedly in the 1990s to an average of 1. 7% due largely to inefficient investment and an asset price bubble in the late 1980s. In March 2011, Japan was hit with their strongest-ever earthquake, and a subsequent tsunami, which caused major devastation, killing thousands and damaging several nuclear power plants. The catastrophe disrupted the countrys economy and its energy infrastructure, and severely strained its capacity to deal with the humanitarian disaster (https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja. html). The UK was the first nation to industrialise by the mid nineteenth century she was considered the most advanced economy in the world. The British industrial revolution was founded on the basis of the market or capitalist economy. Adam smith is the father of the capitalist economy, he identified some key features of this system in his book â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†1776, the features were: private ownership of resources; the price mechanism allocating scarce resources; laissez faire; competition; profit motive; and consumer sovereignty the Prior to 1979 the British approach to macroeconomic policies was very Keynesian. We will write a custom essay sample on Japan vs Uk Economy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Japan vs Uk Economy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Japan vs Uk Economy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Britain joined the European Rate Mechanism (ERM) of the European Monetary System (EMS) which meant that the British pound was tied to the EU exchange rate (Woodward, 2004). Britain’s financial policies were influenced by the collapse in oil prices during the early part of 1986. This meant that the level of tax revenue was reduced and the government was forced to delay any major reductions in income taxation. The collapse meant that government could only manage a 1 percent reduction in the basic rate (Woodward, 2004). 992 saw the end of Britain’s membership of the ERM which also brought about a major recession, affecting those who had benefited from the economic boom of the 1980s. Thatcherism saw the privatisation of many state owned entities, including British Airways, British Telecom and British Gas amongst others. The global economic recession of 2009 saw Britain plunder into deep recession, which lead to rising inflation and unemployment. Current economic situation Japan’s economy is sustained by its highly educated and well motivated labour force (Rosser and Rosser, 2004). For decades employers have guaranteed lifetime employment to their employees, hence the reason for Japan’s employment stability. This guarantee over the past few years, have been eroding because of dual pressure from global competition and changes in the demographic domestically (https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja. html). Nakajima et al (2000) stated that Japan’s economic growth since the burst of the economic bubble in 1990 has been minimal, with an average GDP growth rate of less than 1 percent in the 1990’s. Rosser and Rosser (2004) pointed out that Japan was the first nation of non-European origin to industrialise and experience modern economic growth. Its slogan â€Å"Japanese spirit and Western ability†sums up Japan’s approach to economic development. They succeeded by maintaining the Japanese culture which inculcates a good work ethic with western technology. Japan’s fiscal policy has attracted attention because of the relatively low levels of government spending and taxation (Rosser and Rosser, 2004). Rosser and Rosser (2004) stated that many believe that Japan’s relatively low level of social transfer payments encourages savings and hard work. Japan’s economy like most of the developed economies has been in recovery after the global financial crisis of 2009 but the recent earthquake and tsunami has dealt a major blow to their economic growth and recovery. It is argued that Japan has run out of steam and its economic miracle is over. Japan seemed destined in the 1980s to take the number one spot as the world’s leading economy but given recent economic failures this seems highly unlikely in the foreseeable future. The UK economy enjoyed major improvement in its financial stability during the 1980s. However, there was a high price to pay as unemployment rose sharply in 1981 and 1982, with unemployment levels rising to over 3 million in 1983 and remaining above that level until mid 1987 (Sentance, 1998). In 2001-2002 the UK’s GDP growth slipped as the global downturn, the high value of the Pound Sterling and the bursting of the ‘new economy’ bubble hurt manufacturing and exports. Despite being one of Europe’s strongest economies the UK’s growth rate is 1. 6% and unemployment is 7. 9%, this is as a result of the most recent recession that started in the US in 2009, which hit all the major economies, more so the UK because of their close economic links to the US economy.
вторник, 10 марта 2020 г.
MBA Essay Help
MBA Essay Help MBA Essay Help MBA Essay Help: Get Rid of Problems with MBA Essay Writing Hundreds of MBA essay writing passes through the hands of admission committee each year, that is why you have to write such an excellent MBA essay, which will be able to impress the committee, or otherwise you will not be able to enter the college you have been dreaming about. That is why in order to present a good MBA essay writing to the admission committee you may be in need of MBA essay help: Key Principles of MBA Essay Writing This article is going to make you acquainted with the main principles and requirements from the MBA essay writing, so you may consider this article as free of charge MBA essay help. Where else is it possible to find MBA essay help free of charge? Pay Attention to the Topic Well, the first tip of our MBA essay help is as follows: pay a special attention to the choice of the topic for you MBA essay writing. Never write a title for your MBA essay writing as you can entitle it only after you have written it. You are not a predictor and can not be sure what your quill will write. If you entitle your MBA essay writing beforehand, it will either not coincide with the context or you will have to rewrite it one more time. Get Attention of the Readers The second MBA essay help tip insists on hooking the reader from the first lines of your MBA essay writing. If, for example, you start your MBA essay writing with some anecdote or rather interesting statement, you will make the readers continue reading it. If the reader is pleasantly impressed from the very beginning of your MBA essay writing, it will be too difficult to spoil the whole impression from your work. Identify Your Strong Points The following MBA essay help tip lies in identifying your strong points and making them a subject for your MBA essay writing. If for example, you are considered to be a funny person with the extraordinary sense of human, do not even try to write MBA essay writing concerning some serious topic. Better, write it in an unusual and funny way and your work will be singled out from the other gray mass and you are going to be admitted. Your Success Is In Your Hands! The concluding MBA essay help tip pieces of advice you to keep in mind that your success depends only upon you. You are the only one to decide which topic to choose and which aspects of your life to deal with in your MBA essay writing. Remember that you are the only one either to be blamed or to be honored after you present your MBA essay writing to the judgment of the admission committee. Read more: Dissertation Paper American History Thesis Term Paper on Cholesterol and Lipids Research Paper Proposal Global Warming Essay
воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.
It is intended that small claims should be subjected to a process that Essay
It is intended that small claims should be subjected to a process that is easy to use and cheap for litigants. To what extent do - Essay Example This is important, because the small claims court is clogged with cases, according to the Bello (2010). There were 84,000 cases that were heard in the small claims court system in 2008, which most commonly include consumer compensation cases for faulty services, faulty goods and personal injury; cases for wages owed; and debt recovery for corporate creditors (Bello, 2010). The purpose of the small claims court, according to Bello (2010) is that they are informal courts – litigants can represent themselves, because the focus is on a process that is easily understandable to everybody. Evolution of the Small Claims Courts The evolution of the small claims court procedures have evolved. In 1973, according to the Bello (2010), the upper limit for the small claims court was only ?75. Obviously, the amount has grown substantially by then, and is going to grow even more. More importantly, the process has been streamlined by the changes in the Civil Procedure Rules which stated that, i n 1998, that there would be one set of rules for the civil claims in the high court and the county court, and that there would be special provisions made for small claims. ... This TCE Act, according to the HM Court and Tribunals Service, instituted a way of handling reviews and appeals. There is an Upper Tribunal, which decides appeals from the First-tier Tribunal. Each of these tribunals are also split into Chambers, each of which have their own rules and procedures. What this has done, according to the HM Courts and Tribunals Service, is provided a single mechanism by which a litigant may appeal the tribunal's decision. The Upper Tribunal's decision is not final, however, as it may also be appealed to the Court of Appeal (HM Court and Tribunal's Service). Mediation Probably the most important method that is being used to streamline the process of small claims, is the process of mediation. This has made the process cheaper and easier to use, at least in theory. Tagg (2010) explains that mediation in the English and Welsh courts began around 20 years ago with commercial disputes, and around 10 years ago for small claims issues. The rules of mediation are governed by Civil Justice Reforms implemented in 1999, and codified in the Civil Procedure Rules. In the small claims court system, according to Tagg (2010), there were reforms put into place in 2005/2006, in which the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was made free to users. This is because the low amount of the claims would make paying for mediation not cost-effective. The small claims mediation service, which was implemented in the Manchester County Court after the reforms, was the most effective, and resulted in the greatest satisfaction and settlements. So, this was rolled out across England and Wales, and has since become well-established. This is a voluntary service (Tagg, 2010). The mediation process has some aspects in common, according to Reid (2007). Reid
четверг, 6 февраля 2020 г.
Leadership Styles and its impact onThe Development Learning at Literature review
Leadership Styles and its impact onThe Development Learning at Universities - Literature review Example The paper tells that since time immemorial, humans have constantly been engaging in social activities that out of necessity resulted in some individuals becoming leaders while others took the role of following the roles of the leaders. In as much as some theorist may suggest that every person is a leader of his or her own, but in this case, we would like to speak of a leader one who is at the top of any organizational pyramid after appointment, promotion, attrition or the like. In recent times, as the population continues to expand and there got an increase in interdependence in all human areas, leadership started taking keen toll on management. As population increases, the need of having appropriate leaders to lead groups of people has emanated. In accordance to Northhouse, leadership becomes defined as a process where a person influences a certain group of people to achieve a given common goal. Leadership remains to be a term that evolved through time and became lately more popular as interests in it continued. Leadership began mostly with the productivity law that states that the most productive individuals became awarded something or an honor. It then evolved to become a management law when people became supposed to manage other individuals in order to improve on productivity leading to it becoming leadership law. In any learning institution for instance, there are many different leaders that got different styles plus different levels of popularity. Leadership styles Leadership style in simple terms can be described as how an individual plays a given role. In addition, it could imply how a given individual reacts, decides, interacts and treats other people. Kurt Lewin (1939, p.78) led some researchers in identify various different styles of leadership. From his research and many more on leadership styles, there are over 10 leadership styles that became identified in influencing developmental learning in universities (Goleman 2004, p.18). Examples of basic l eadership styles commonly employed in university settings by the leaders include autocratic, bureaucratic, Laissez faire and democratic leadership. Other leadership styles include transformational leadership, transactional, creative, corrective, change, intelligence, multicultural, pedagogical, bridging, servant and purposeful leadership (Dereli 2010, p.6; Glanz 2002, p.3; Kippenberger 2002, p.10). History The interest and documentation of academic leadership more so began in the middle part of the 20th century. It started with seminal works focused specifically on the notion that most successful leaders were in possession of certain intellectual and physical attributes that made them become successful in leading others. The trait theory, emanated as a product of leadership positions bestowed by a higher power historically through birthright therefore, producing the belief that most leaders get born rather than made. One of the first published work in this field belonged to Stogdill . Stogdill and Shartle (1948, p.3) approached this work with intentions of identifying key traits perceived as common attributes associated with successful leaders. After Stogdill and Shartle, many more studies became conducted to add up to their list of leadership traits (Mann 1959, p.34; Locke & Kirkpatrick 1991, p.56; Alliger, Lord 1986, p.67). A lot of differences and commonalities in the leadership traits identified by some of these researchers continued to show prevalence among various academic institutions. After the Stogdill and Shartle, additional efforts became placed on coming up with things that make an individual possess strong leadership skills. This led to the birth of the skills approach in ascertain some leadership qualities (Lewis 1993, p.18). The skills approach disagrees with the trait approach in a number of ways. In as much as both the skills approa
среда, 29 января 2020 г.
Metropolitan Opera House Essay Example for Free
Metropolitan Opera House Essay Maria Callas gives an outstanding performance at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. This is unsurprising as Callas was one of the most famous sopranos of her time and a recognised Diva. The Newspaper review is gushing in praise of Callas who gives a powerful and convincing performance. It is noted that the reviewer had some reservations on a previous performance but the performance of Violetta in La Traviata left the reviewer in no doubt that Callas gave a performance that was the best interpretation he had ever witnessed in all his time attending and reviewing operas. The performance as Viloletta is a more congenial part than previously seen by the reviewer and it has so much passion and personal interpretation that it is difficult to distinguish between the dramatic and vocal performances. The whole performance seems real and the acting and singing become one, the perfect operatic qualities. The words in an opera can seem disjointed and difficult to express when read without music and it is Callas who brings the script and plot alive by sewing all the parts together to make an outstanding dramatic performance in conjunction with the musical performance by the orchestra.. She still had the slight wobble in her voice which is evident on the CD in some places, for example at 1:19 and 02:00 when the singing becomes fortissimo. However her reputation as a performer was so great that her fans and the reviewer where able to forgive this perceived fault and even claim that it added to the intensity of her performance. It shows emotion in the voice and this adds to the tragic quality of the roles often played by female opera singers. The CD shows a wide range of singing from the initial pianissimo start and the pizzicato accompaniment from the string section building up to 1:13 when Callas builds to an ornament at 1:19. The whole performance is very smooth and displays and you can hear the passion in Callas’ voice when she expresses her feelings. The reviewer mentions her striking presence which is an important part of opera throughout the world. Callas’ presence was reinforced by her status as a Diva and her reputation was worldwide. She had performed for the previous 7 years at La Scala in Milan to triumphant reviews and had gained publicity 4 years earlier when her appearance changed dramatically having lost 30 kilos in weight. She was married to a prominent businessman and Opera lover and was on the verge of starting a relationship with a world famous shipping magnate. Callas was portrayed as a Diva in much the same way as someone like Madonna is today and the public interest in her life only served to fuel her presence and reputation on the stage. Opera is performance on a grand scale so much so that opera venues are some of the grandest, most iconic and well recognised places in the world, for example the Sydney Opera House. Those who succeed in such an environment must be larger than life personalities. Maria Callas was certainly a Diva and her life was followed and reported by fans and the press alike. Her life was lived in the glare of publicity and even though she led a private life following her retirement in 1965 she still attracted great interest when she made public appearances. It is easy to see the appeal of her character and that many people liked to think of her as a tragic heroine due to difficult events in her life. In many ways this mirrored the Operatic roles she played with so much conviction it sometimes blurred the boundaries between reality and performance.
понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.
Free Essay - The Scarlet Letter and the Christian Utopia :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Scarlet Letter and the Christian Utopia Throughout the novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne develops the Christian Utopia to present to the reader the ideals and way of life the Puritans faced. The main character, Hester Prynne, commits a crime so unfathomable by the society yet she was able to live her life independent from the norms and values. Judgments of society's moral transgressions have altered since the Puritan era in such a way that we are no longer severely condemned for our principles. People are forgiven for their sins, but nonetheless they are forever persecuted to live with the shame such as Hester did in the novel. The Puritans believed that the Christian Utopia could be achieved by obeying a certain rule. Spirituality played a key component in dictating their lives. Hester for example, did not go against her community on purpose, but acted independently and followed the path of human nature. She still possessed religious morals. Yet this is disregarded by her act of adultery. In society during that time period, no matter how much good one does, the latter is what takes hold. Thus Hester is labeled to wearing the scarlet letter "A", in addition to having to take care of her fatherless child. Today, people do turn to religion for guidance, but not to the point where religion commands every action a person makes. People have drifted away from the black and white customs and adapted color and emotion to the path of life. People are given the opportunity to give up a child born out of wedlock to an adoption agency. Single mothers can attend schools with daycares. This is far from what H ester could ever imagine. Hawthorne develops Hester's character in an exaggeration through the usage of symbolism, to further emphasis the level of severity of her crime. "She clutched the child so fiercely to her breast, that it sent forth a cry; she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real" (Hawthorne 41). The Puritans viewed man as an animal, as if people needed to be controlled. Hawthorne shows that the balance between Man and Morality is not equal in the face of the Puritans.
воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.
Discipline and Management Comparison
Runninghead: DISCIPLINE AND MANAGEMENT: DIFFERENT YET RELATED COMPARISON Discipline and Management: Different Yet Related Comparison Essay Corwin K. Richardson Grand Canyon University Discipline and Management: Different Yet Related Comparison Essay Thinking on classroom management and the ability to effectively teach and guide students of several different backgrounds tends to be a daunting thought. One that has pressed the hearts and minds of teachers and administrators for many days past and which will probably continue to press for many days to come.Being confident that you are aware; management alone is a skill that requires several years of practice to become proficient at, not to mention the management of students and their personalities. This essay will deal with the comparisons of discipline and management as it relates to the comparison of behavior versus misbehavior. Each term will be defined in personal understanding and then expounded upon with citations from noted autho rities in each subject matter. There similarities and differences will be presented in addition to there apparent relationship with each other.Discipline is something that is the result of an unwanted act. It can be seen as a corrective action that is taken to discourage a behavior that needs to be discontinued. Ex. Mr. Brown quickly removed the unruly student from the classroom. In this example, Mr. Brown chose to remove the disruptive student from the classroom as a method of discipline. However, discipline may be seen as a measure of self-control that someone applies to themselves. This is in any case, a measure of correction.According to Charles, discipline is defined as a teacher’s efforts to maintain classroom decorum and secure students’ cooperation in learning and exercising self-control (p. 45, 2008). This understanding opens up the window of possibilities as to what measure is taken by means of discipline that is deemed necessary to keep the classroom flowing with full cooperation in learning. Regarding self-control; this is a willful act on the student’s part based upon their understanding of order and how it affects their life, even in the classroom.The responsibility of teaching students the need for order can be argued to be the parents; but somehow it ends up being the teachers’. Management is the order in which someone takes things and place them in a systematic way that they can manage them better. Ex. Ms. Wendy moved all of the noisy students’ seats in a way that brought quiet and focus to the class. In this example Ms. Wendy’s management system was to arrange the classroom in such a way that all the class could benefit from the lesson.A collaborative definition of management as expressed by Canter is an environment created by a teacher who motivates and believes in the students; one who effectively plans to manage student behavior in all classroom activities and instructional strategies; a teacher wh o has the trust of all the students (pp. 6-7, 2006). Behavior is simply the way someone conducts themself. Ex. Bobby obeys every word his father says. In the example, Bobby’s behavior was obedient. This is clearly a defining point in behavior that illustrates how someone acts in an environment or situation.Some authorities such as Canter believe that behavior is greatly influenced by a teacher’s ability to establish a classroom that promotes academic success for all students from the very first day of school (p. 31, 2006). Misbehavior is when someone conducts themselves in a way that is unacceptable. Ex. Janie has random outbursts in class and doesn’t respect her teachers. This shows that Janie is misbehaving by not respecting her teachers and by her outbursts. Canter also suggests that students don’t like or respect teachers who let them get away with misbehavior (p. 6, 2006). This would indicate that the disrespect that some students show their teachers is a direct result of the teacher’s inability to convey their authority and order in the classroom with their students. In other words, the students may feel as though the teachers are â€Å"push-over’s†. In conclusion, discipline is a product of management which is directly related to the effectiveness by which management is executed, which determines the level of discipline needed to maintain it.On the other wise, behavior is the product of discipline and is directly influenced towards acceptable or unacceptable conduct by the effectiveness of the management plan. If the management system is proficient then a good disciplinary plan will be in place and if so, then behavior will be appropriate and almost all misbehavior will be eliminated. References Charles, C. M. (2008). Building classroom discipline (10th ed. ). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Canter, L. (2006). Lee Canter’s classroom management for academic success. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
суббота, 4 января 2020 г.
Essay on Hamlet -- Is Hamlet Sane - 782 Words
Hamlet Essay: Is Hamlet Sane With the coming of Freudian theory in the first half of this century and the subsequent emergence of psychoanalytically-oriented literary criticism in the 1960s, the question of Hamlets underlying sanity has become a major issue in the interpretation of Hamlet. While related concern with the Princes inability to take action had already directed scholarly attention toward the uncertainty of Hamlets mental state, modern psychological views of the play have challenged his sanity at a deeper, sub-conscious level, typically citing self-destructive and, most pointedly, sexual drives to explain his behavior, his words, and the mental processes beneath them. In a play with undertones of incest and heavy doses of†¦show more content†¦Moreover, Hamlet plainly does use the guise of madness toward tactical ends. He keeps Claudius, Polonius, and the other males of the play (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern) off balance, unsure of the specific threat he poses but themselves an unable to act q uickly because of it. It is under cover of madness that Hamlet presents his customized mousetrap, his play-within-a play, to successfully capture the conscience of the King. He sees through the Kings plot to have him executed in England, his innocent escorts being unaware of the threat that Hamlet poses to the King. Such deliberate acts in which the appearance of madness is used to advantage are not those of a madman. To be sure, Hamlet sees and speaks with a ghost, but the rational character of Horatio does the same. All of this suggests that Hamlet, while depressed, guilt-ridden, and raging inside, is sane. On the other hand, in his treatment of Ophelia, his former lover, Hamlet displays a cruelty that is extreme, abnormal and, in fact, psychopathological. His declaration, Get thee to a nunnery, why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners (III, i., ll.120-121), is so vicious in its utter rejection of Ophelias tender efforts to understand him, so lewd in its punning suggestion that OpheliaShow MoreRelatedHamlet Pleads Sane650 Words  | 3 PagesHamlet Pleads Sane William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is considered to be a great tragedy in the eyes of many. In the play, the protagonist, Hamlet, is on a quest to avenge the death of his father. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet is upset that his mother married his uncle, Claudius, only two months after his father’s death. As the story progresses, Hamlet is confronted by King Hamlet’s ghost. The ghost informs Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. When the ghost asks Hamlet to seekRead More The Sane Hamlet Essays1192 Words  | 5 PagesThe Sane Hamlet   Hamlet contains the classic argument between whether or not Hamlet is mad, or a sane man under difficult circumstances. Hamlet assumes antic-disposition at times to uncover the truth of his fathers death. From my perspective I believe that Hamlets actions and thoughts are a logical response to the situation in which he finds himself.        In the first act, Hamlet appears to be very straightforward in his actions and thoughts. When questioned by Gertrude aboutRead MoreShakespeares Hamlet: Hamlet is Perfectly Sane Essay1947 Words  | 8 PagesHamlet is Perfectly Sane      I will be brief. Your noble son is mad, states Polonius (II, ii, 91) . Ophelia exclaims, O what a noble mind is here oerthrown! (III, i, 153). Alas, hes mad, concludes Gertrude (III, iv, 106). Claudius even instructs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to escort Hamlet to England because it [is not] safe with us/To let his madness range (III, iii, 1-2). Essentially, each supporting character questions Hamlets sanity, and most conclude he is indeed madRead MoreHamlet Insane or Sane Essay783 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet- Sane or Insane In Shakespeares play Hamlet the main character Hamlet experiences many different and puzzling emotions. He toys with the idea of killing himself and then plays with the idea of murdering others. Many people ask themselves who or what is this man and what is going on inside his head. The most common question asked about him is whether or not he is sane or insane. Although the door seems to swing both ways many see him as a sane person with one thought on his mind,Read MoreEssay on Shakespeares Hamlet Was Certainly Sane2229 Words  | 9 Pages     In Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet, the character of Hamlet feigns insanity. For a person in his situation, having ones peers think of one as crazy can be quite beneficial. His father, the king, had just died, and he is visited by a ghost who appears to be his fathers spirit. The ghost tells Hamlet that he was murdered by his brother Claudius, who is now the current king and who recently married the former kings wife. Hamlet vows revenge and, as a tool to aid him in that plan, convincesRead More Sanity, Insanity, Madness? - William Shakespeares Hamlet is Sane2156 Words  | 9 PagesSanity, Insanity, Madness? - William Shakespeares Hamlet is Sane In William Shakespeares Hamlet, the lead character, Prince Hamlet of Denmark, has been interpreted in numerous ways. Throughout the play Hamlet takes on different personas, making it hard define him as only one character type. Often when critics analyze the character of Hamlet, they question his sanity because of his ambiguity soon after he sees his fathers ghost. What does it mean to be insane? The definition of the word insaneRead More The Genius of Hamlet, the Very Sane Prince of Denmark Essay example2446 Words  | 10 PagesThe Genius of Hamlet, the Very Sane Prince of Denmark Hamlet in Shakepeares The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is often seen as a lunatic. Lucid and ingenious, Prince Hamlet falls into a state of emotional turmoil, but he is never insane. Hamlet feigns madness to reveal his anguish concerning the two women he used to love - his mother Gertrude and his lover Ophelia. To escape estrangement from his countrymen, Hamlet appears to waver between madness and sanity. And, to avoidRead MoreSanity in William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1037 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeares Hamlet Hamlet is a play about a man who has had a father killed by his uncle, after this act of treachery the uncle then marries Hamlet’s mother. Hamlet is sane in this play because prior to going â€Å"insane†he informs us he is going to. If Hamlet were truly insane he would not be able to tell others that he is going to act insane as of a certain point in time. Hamlet would try to deny insanity, not pride himself in the fact that he is insane. Hamlet uses insanityRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare866 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet, the son of the former King of Denmark is in a state of depression due to his father’s murder which was committed by his uncle. This is followed by the marriage of his mother and the same uncle who killed his father; this forces Hamlet into a state of misery. Upon learning that his father was murdered, Hamlet is also told by his father’s ghost to get revenge. Throughout the play, Hamlet often pretends to be insane or in a state of madness. This is all apart of how he will plan to kill is murdererRead MoreHamlet: The Irrational Prince Essay1138 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeare’s Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, named Hamlet, is the main character that’s going to avenge is fallen father. Shakespeare makes the audience wonder if Hamlet is really mad or he is just presenting some excellent acting skills that make it seem as if he has really gone insane. We must consider if he has gone mad, could be due to the loss of his father and if he is just simply acting mad, could that be to confuse his enemies? And hide is intensions? One thing is for certain and that is Hamlet cannot
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