пятница, 31 мая 2019 г.
Privacy Rights and Social Media Essay -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
A persons right to privacy is being challenged with the lavishly use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. What used to be considered part of your personal life is not so personal anymore. When one chooses to share elaborate about ones-self to their friends via a social media, they are not always thinking about the other people. The other people could be ones current boss or future employer. Other people could be a school official, your baseball coach, your friends mother you name it the list goes on and on. Recently, a few employers or view employers have requested Facebook and other social network log-in information. It is probably a violation of equal employment laws, and there are two senators examine the practice of requiring job applicants and employees to provide their social network log-in information as a condition of employment. Most of us feel that what we do right(prenominal) of work or school is our personal life and should have no bearing on our professiona l/business life. Being on a sports police squad during high school, we were told on many occasions to not bring outside problems or issues to practice with us. In a sense, now looking back, the coach was respecting our privacy. She did not want to know that ones cell phone bill is over two hundred dollars and their mother is going to be very ireful when she sees it, or that one had an argument with their boyfriend twenty minutes before leaving for practice. She was allowing us to keep our personal life separate from our sports life. Ms. Galutz, color watch over instructor, would refer to this practice as checking your baggage at the door, It does not mean they were not looking at what you were doing outside of our practice times, it just meant to not permit it aff... ... a future employer would perceive what they see. Protect your own right to privacy and limit what you allow to be public information. Reducing your friends list may divine service protect you, too. If you know a certain group of friends that are the weekend party people, then maybe they need to be just your friends and not your Facebook friends.Hopefully, in the near future, there will be some legislation passed to protect our privacy rights but even then remember you are the best demurrer against any personal information that may cause damage to yourself. Works CitedNews, WKTV. WKTV News Channel. 14 February 2012. .Press, Associated. US. News. 26 July 2006. .
четверг, 30 мая 2019 г.
Parkinsons Disease and Tissue Transplants Essay -- Health Medicine Me
For n primal 100 years neural tissue has been transplanted in animals. Transplantation of neural tissue into humans, however, began only a a few(prenominal) years ago (1). It has been found in animals, that fetal card grafts in damaged adult host brains reduce some of the functional deficits caused by brain lesions. Even though some neurons from the transplanted tissue survive and develop reciprocal connections with host brain tissue, this is not enough to completely replace damaged fibers and back up behavioral recovery Usually the grafts will not develop a normal morphological appearance, but some metabolic activity can be found within the transplant. Release and diffusion of trophic substances from the transplant and the damaged host brain may partially restore neuronal and behavioral functions. It is hypothesized that this gang of fetal brain transplants and trophic substances may provide a better opportunity for recovery than either treatment given by itself. While this con stitution focuses on fetal brain grafts as a means to treat Parkinsonism, research is also being conducted in conjunction with Alzheimers Disease, visual, frontal, and motor lens cortex lesions, hippocampal lesions, and many others (2,3) There are two current approaches to neural transplantation regarding Parkinson s adrenal medullary and fetal brain grafts. Both methods suffer from limitations in tissue availability, cellular uniformity, and general applicability. The success of neural transplantation in animal models of Parkinsons syndrome led to its clinical application in human patients with the syndrome. each of the two methods mentioned has advantages and disadvantages. Transplantation of adrenal medullary tissue has the advantage of ready availability of human le... ... 1990, 28 585-599. 3. Mickley, G. A. et. al. Neural grafts attenuate behavioral deficits produced by early radiation-induced hypoplasia of fascia dentate granule cells. Brain Research, 1990, 509 280-292. 4. B redesen, D. E. et. al. Neural Transplantation Using Temperature-sensitive Immortalized Neural Cells A Preliminary Report. Ann. Neurol., 1990, 27 205-207. 5. Hirsch, E. C. et. al. Does adrenal graft enhance recovery of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinsons disease. Ann Neurol., 1990 27 676-682. 6. Kordower, J. H. et. al. Putative Chromaffin Cell Survival and Enhanced Host-derived TH-fiber Innervation Following a Functional Adrenal Medulla Autograft for Parkinsons Disease. Ann Neurol., 1991 29 405-412. 7. Stromberg, I. et. al. Reinnervation of Dopamine-denervated striatum by Substantia Nigra Transplants. Neuroscience, 1985, 14 981-990.
среда, 29 мая 2019 г.
Causes of Natural Hazards Essay -- hurricanes and earthquakes
Hazards are possible sources of danger. Types of hazards are those such(prenominal) as hurri washbasines, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A cause is what makes something happen and is a reason for it happening. The two types of hazards I will be outlining the causes for are hurricanes and earthquakes. A hurricane and tropical storms are cyclones. When the winds r each(prenominal) a constant quantity speed of 74 miles per hour or more, it is called a hurricane. A hurricane is caused when a large mass of assembly line is warmed up and the warm humid air begins to rise. As the air rises, it cools and condenses to cloud and rain. They are tropical storms. The hurricanes winds blow in a large spiral around a calm centre called the core. The eye is usually 20-30 miles wide and the storm itself may have a diameter of 400 miles. As a hurricane approaches, the skies begin to darken and the winds grow stronger. The hurricane can bring torrential rains, hig h winds, and storm surge as it comes close to land. A single hurricane can last more than two weeks. An earthquake is a shaking movement of the earths surface. It results from faults. The earths surface is in continuous slow motion. This is plate tectonics the movement of rigid plates at the surface of the earth in response to flow of rock within the earth. These plates cover the whole surface of the earth. Since they are all constantly moving, they rub against each other at the boundaries (for example, the San Andreas Fault in California). They sink beneath each other, or spread apart from each other (like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). At such places the motion becomes less smooth - the plates are stuck together at the edges ... ... into the areas were blocked or bridges were destroyed. If the bridges had been built to survive a hurricane, aid would be able to get to the areas sooner and save lives as they would be able to reach people in time. MEDCs and LEDCs are both modify by hurricanes, although MEDCs are able to respond to them quicker and more effectively then LEDCs. Both of them need funding so that they can search and monitor hurricanes so that they can respond to them, but the difference between them is that MEDCs are able to provide themselves with funding as apposed to LEDCs who are unable to provide themselves with the funding required. The research helps people to learn more about hurricanes and the more people know about hurricanes, makes it easier for them to respond to them in the serious way so that they can save lives.
The Eyes of the Dragon Essays -- essays research papers
A kingdom is in turmoil as the old King Roland dies and its worthy successor, Prince jibe, must do battle to claim what is rightly his. Plotting against him is the evil Flagg and his pawn, young Prince Thomas. Yet with every plan there are holes like Thomass terrible secret. And the located Prince Peter, who is planning a daring escape from his imprisonment (very first page)The sequence of events that occur in the plot go like this Two sons are born(p) from Queen Sasha and King Roland, Prince Peter then Prince Thomas. Fearing that the Queen Sasha would ruin his plans, Flagg, the several hundred years old magician and royal advisor succeeded in deposing of her when Peter is only five. Eleven years later, after Peter served the King his nightly glass of vine, Flagg came in and killed Roland by offering him a second glass of wine that was poison. Peter was found guilty of the murder, as Flagg had planned, and was sentenced to life imprisonment atop a tower called the Needle by And ers Peyna, the Judge-General. Peter would spend a safe(p) five years in the Needle until he decides to make a successful escape, only to encounter Flagg for a final confrontation.Thomas, one of the main characters, is a particularly interesting character for several reasons. First the narrator, portrayed as a storyteller, describes Thomas as the weak, vulnerable, sad, confused, lonely younger brother of Prince Peter, who was the heir of...
вторник, 28 мая 2019 г.
Ihor’s Campaign Essay examples -- Epic Poem Poetry Essays
Ihors Campaign Slovo o polku Ihorevi, Ihoria syna Sviatoslavlia, vnuka Olhova, or The Tale of Ihors Campaign, Ihor the Son of Sviatoslav, Grandson of Oleh is an epic numbers written in the 12th century by an anonymous author who was most probably from Kyviv or Chernihiv (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). From the tenor of the poem, it can be deduced that the author was a mature, experience man, perhaps serving in one of the princely retinues and was versed in the manners and customs of his day (Kuzych 2000). The original was discovered in 1795 by Graf A. Musin-Pushkin in the archives of Yoil in the Transfiguration Monastery in Yaroslavl, Russia, and was published in Saint Petersburg in 1800 with the assistance of the paleographers A. Malinovsky and Mykola Bantysh-Kamensky (Hordynsky and Stech 2001).The single preserved copy was apparently unavowed after 1240 when the Mongol incursions into Ukraine began (Kuzych 2000). The only original copy is claimed to have been burned in 1812 when M oscow was seized by Napoleons troops (Wikipedia 2005) and the lack of a genuine script allowed a number of skeptical critics in the early 19th century to consider the work a falsification of a ulterior date but many scholars, particulary Mykailo Maksymovych, demonstrated connections between the Slovo and Ukrainian folk poetry (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). The subject of the poem is the unsuccessful campaign mounted in the take a hop of 1185 Ihor Syviatoslavych of Novhorod-Siverskyi against the Cumans and its central theme is the fate of the territories of Rus (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). The lyrical poem combines historical subject matter with dreams, laments, natures reaction to the heros fate, monologues of princes, other motifs and ... ...ble platinum coin form the Millennium commemorating Coin Set portraying the author composing the poem while watching Ihors battle take place (Kuzych 2000). In 2000 Ukraine indirectly honour the epic poem by minting a commemorative 5-hryvnia silver coin minted for The 900th Anniversary of the Novhorod-Siverskyi Principality and depicted a prince leading an army in apparent movement of the old Rus fortress (Kuzych 2000).Works CitedHordynsky, S. and M. R. Stech (2001). Encyclopedia of Ukraine. http//www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton=pagesSLSlovoopolkuIhoreviIT.htmKuzych, I. (2000). Commemorations of The Tale of Ihors Campaign. The Ukrainian Weekly No. 40. http//www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/2000/400024.shtmlWikipedia The Free Encylcopedia. The Tale of Igors Campaign. (2005). http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tale_of_Igors_Campaign
Ihor’s Campaign Essay examples -- Epic Poem Poetry Essays
Ihors Campaign Slovo o polku Ihorevi, Ihoria syna Sviatoslavlia, vnuka Olhova, or The Tale of Ihors Campaign, Ihor the Son of Sviatoslav, Grandson of Oleh is an epic poem written in the 12th century by an anonymous author who was most probably from Kyviv or Chernihiv (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). From the tenor of the poem, it can be deduced that the author was a mature, experience man, perhaps serving in one of the princely retinues and was versed in the manners and customs of his day (Kuzych 2000). The original was discovered in 1795 by Graf A. Musin-Pushkin in the archives of Yoil in the Transfiguration Monastery in Yaroslavl, Russia, and was published in Saint Petersburg in 1800 with the assistance of the paleographers A. Malinovsky and Mykola Bantysh-Kamensky (Hordynsky and Stech 2001).The single preserved copy was apparently isolated after 1240 when the Mongol incursions into Ukraine began (Kuzych 2000). The only original copy is claimed to have been burned in 1812 when Mosco w was seized by Napoleons troops (Wikipedia 2005) and the lack of a genuine script allowed a number of skeptical critics in the early 19th century to consider the work a falsification of a later on date but many scholars, particulary Mykailo Maksymovych, demonstrated connections between the Slovo and Ukrainian folk poetry (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). The subject of the poem is the unsuccessful campaign mounted in the parachute of 1185 Ihor Syviatoslavych of Novhorod-Siverskyi against the Cumans and its central theme is the fate of the territories of Rus (Hordynsky and Stech 2001). The lyrical poem combines historical subject matter with dreams, laments, natures reaction to the heros fate, monologues of princes, other motifs and ... ...ble platinum coin form the Millennium commemorative Coin Set portraying the author composing the poem while watching Ihors battle take place (Kuzych 2000). In 2000 Ukraine indirectly reward the epic poem by minting a commemorative 5-hryvnia silver coin minted for The 900th Anniversary of the Novhorod-Siverskyi Principality and depicted a prince leading an army in antecedent of the old Rus fortress (Kuzych 2000).Works CitedHordynsky, S. and M. R. Stech (2001). Encyclopedia of Ukraine. http//www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?AddButton=pagesSLSlovoopolkuIhoreviIT.htmKuzych, I. (2000). Commemorations of The Tale of Ihors Campaign. The Ukrainian Weekly No. 40. http//www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/2000/400024.shtmlWikipedia The Free Encylcopedia. The Tale of Igors Campaign. (2005). http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tale_of_Igors_Campaign
понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.
Bangladesh’s Burning Problem Alarms Globalization Essay
On November 24th, 2012, Bangladeshs garment industry was badly out to(p) when a deadly decamp broke out in a factory named Tazreen on the outskirts of Dhaka, killing an estimated 112 people who were sewing clothing for Wal-Mart, Sears, Sean Diddy Combs Enyce label, Disney and others. (cite source) The incidental, the worst constantly that the industry has seen, occurred in the busy winter season when factories are working round the clock to meet springtime orders. The fire started in a store on the ground floor that was used to store yarn, and quickly spread to the upper floors.The building was nine stories high, with the top three floors under construction, according to a garment industry official at the scene who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the news media. Though most workers had go away for the day when the fire started, the industry official said, as many a(prenominal) as 600 workers were still inside working overtime. Most of the workers who died were on the first and second floors, fire officials said, and were killed because there were not enough exits. So the workers could not come out when the fire engulfed the building, said Maj.Mohammad Mahbub, the operations director for the Fire Department, according to The Associated Press. In a telephone interview later on Sunday, Major Mahbub said the fire could abide been caused by an electrical fault or by a electric discharge from a cigarette. (cite your source) While Dhakas The Independent newspaper reported Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as saying that It is not an accident. It is a preplanned incident, alluding to countercheck by unnamed conspiratorial forces the High Court has ordered an independent probe into what caused the devastating fire. Two major considerations have been taken into account that what caused the disaster.Firstly, winning a cue from the prime minister, the police have suggested that it was an act of arson. Rumors are also circulating thick an d fast in the garment industry that has been take aback by the scale of the accident and the huge toll of lives. Secondly, a New York Times article Factory in Bangladesh Lost Fire Clearance forrader Blaze states that the factorys fire safety certification was expired on June 30, 2012 and Dhakas fire authorities rejected its renewal. Experts say many of the fires could have easily been avoided if the factories had taken the ight precautions. Many factories are in cramped neighborhoods and have too few fire escapes, and they widely flout safety measures. fight activists have consistently alleged that factory owners in their greed for more business and profits have given short shrift to the safety of their workers making fires a commonplace occurrence. (cite source of this quote) Safety measures remain woefully in decorous, acknowledged Farooq Sobhan, a former diplomat, who now chairs the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility and is also professorship of the Bangladesh Enterp rise Institute. Factory inspectors are susceptible to bribes and enforcement is a big issue. Hopefully, this latest incident is the final wake-up call for the political science. (cite source) Sobhan advocates creating an independent organization with qualified experts that can prise whether factories are truly compliant in every respect. Another factor that makes the garment sector a tinderbox is its location or rather, the lack of an industrial zone for garment manufacture. Factories are widely scattered all over the country with several located in city centers, even in residential areas.This makes monitor a nightmare, said Sobhan. Overall, both inside and outside factors led to the disaster. (cite source) The whole world pays a lot attention to Bangladeshs garment industry because it has a lot at stake. The garment industry which employs 3. 6 million people, 80% of whom are poor women, is the bedrock of the countrys export sector accountancy for 80% of its $24 billion annual ex port earnings. As companies in the US and Europe looking for a cheaper alternative to China, have flocked to Bangladesh, garment exports have been growing in high double-digits.Bangladeshs garment industry also linked with global retailing giant such as Wal-Mart, and other snip brand like Tommy Hilfiger and the Gap. Such a big industry, however, keeps bringing in sad news and frustrating stories, which aroused the whole community to think rough a decent solution for improving the working condition in Bangladesh area. (cite source) Right after the case happened, several groups organized committees and roundtables to draw up specialised demands.Organizations like Ain o Salish Kendra or ASK, have made comprehensive lists of demands, including that the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Export Association submit a report on the incident within two months. ASK demanded that the report include whether the industry executives comply with the relevant laws and what steps they have take n to safeguard the workers from fires. I think foreign brands should help the victims more, especially for the women and children, said Aslam Khan, general secretary of the Bangladesh Trade Union Center. Our governments role was not sufficient, although they have a key role.The government is practically trying to save the owner when they have clearly shown a lack of fire safety measures and gross negligence. Moreover, numerous workers rights advocacy groups had called on Solis and a number of European government labor officials to press brands and retailers to sign onto a joint memorandum of understanding with a group of nongovernmental organizations and international and Bangladeshi business unions, known as the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Agreement. The groups claim corporate social responsibility programs are not enough and argue that more squiffy steps such as their agreement need to be taken to prevent tragic fires in the future. PVH Corp. and German retailer Tchi bo have signed onto the agreement, plainly it will not take effect until a specific number of firms agree to it. (cite your sources) The present state of workers safety is far from adequate and management practices in some cases are medieval.Restoring the image and status of the readymade garments sector should now be considered an urgent national task. The government, the readymade garment leaders, representatives of readymade garment workers and all others pertain must urgently put their heads together. No stop-gap measure is likely to work. Prospect of Bangladeshs fast growth depends on safe and comfortable working condition, so does the possibility of employments of millions of additional workers.
воскресенье, 26 мая 2019 г.
Introduction to the Study of Literature Essay
Rite of Passage is a poem written by the multi-awarded poetry writer Sharon Olds about a male childs birthday party. By incorporating several literary elements, she was able to turn a simple and common theme into a much interesting one. In the first stanza of her poem, she writes As the guests arrive at our sons party (line 1). From this line, one can assume that this poem is based on personal cognize and she is referring to her sons actual birthday party in the past. Thus, through this literary form, Olds retells that occasion in a more creative manner.See more how to write an introduction paragraph for an essayMost verses in her poem are in a form of enjambment where the idea or image in a certain line are interrupted and cut to be continued in the succeeding line Hands in pockets, they stick up around jostling, jockeying for place, small fights breaking out and calming. One says to another How old are you? Six. Im seven. So? (lines 5-8) Olds Rite of Passage is an embodiment o f an irony, which is set forth as a conflict that exceeds the most ordinary and obvious connotation of words or actions.The irony of the poem is that the characters mentioned in her poem are lowly boys acting like brave grown-ups and pretending to be real men when they are actually playing a childs game. Even if the teensy-weensy boys imagine themselves as adults, they are still perceived as children since they are engaging in an activity meant for the young of age. Walter Walt Whitman is an American poet who wrote the poem I cut in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing.It is a literary art composition inspired by the combination of natures beauty and the melancholic sense of loneliness due to lack of friends or loved ones. As noticed in Whitmans poem, it is written in first person where the speaker is narrating an effect when he came across an Oak tree in Louisiana. One can assume that the person narrating the poem is the writer himself, retelling a past experience and relating emotio ns he felt at that time when he encountered an Oak tree.It can be observed that Whitman uses personification in his poem and describes the Oak tree in a manner that, if distinguished in the real world, would be impossible or contrary to reason. He writes that the Oak tree found by the character in the poem is uttering joyous leaves of dark green which suggests that the tree is feeling a human emotion of happiness or joy while it lets its leaves grow from its branches. Symbolically, it subject matter that the tree is in good condition or in excellent health which makes it produce fresh dark colored leaves.
суббота, 25 мая 2019 г.
Fetal Pig Extra Credit Essay
Dissection Exercise 31. How do the locations of the endocrine organs in the fetal pig comp are with those in the tender being? They are standardised except for the pancreas and the adrenal secretory organs. In the fetal pig, the adrenal glands are medial to each kidney and subscript to the pancreas rather than atop to kidneys and superior to the pancreas as in existence. 2. Name two endocrine organs located in the throat region? Thymus gland and thyroid gland. 3. Name three Endocrine organs located in the abdominal cavity. Adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads. 4. Given the assumption that human beings have more assay than adult pigs, which endocrine organs would expect to be relatively bigger in manhood? The adrenal glands. 5. Explain why the thymus gland in the fetal pig is so large, relatively speaking. It is so large because it is still a fetus and it will shrink as the big matures.Dissection Exercise 41. Is the fetal pigs lymphatic drainage pattern basically similar or di ssimilar to that of humans? Similar. 2. What is the role of the next?a. Thoracic television channel Receives lymph and drains lymph from everywhere except for what the right lymphatic duct covers. b. Right lymphatic duct Drains lymph from the right upper extremity, head, and thorax delivered by the jugular, subclavian, and bronchomediastinal trunks. 3. What differences did you observe between the root of the common carotid arteries in the pig and in the human? In the pig, the left(p) common carotid artery originates from the brachiocephalic trunk while in humans the left common carotid artery originates from the aortic arch.4. How do the relative sizes of the external and internal jugular veins differ in the human and the pig? In the fetal pig, both internal and external jugular veins were about the same size in diameter. In humans, the internal jugular vein has a larger diameter than the external jugular vein. 5. How do the brachial veins in the pig differ from those of human? The brachial veins in the pig follow the same pathway along with the brachial arteries. 6. What difference did you note betweenthe origin of the hepatic portal vein in the pig and in humans? They are similar except that the fetal pig has a gastrosplenic vein and a gastroduodenal vein instead of a splenic vein and left gastric vein as in humans. 7. Define the following terms.Ascending aorta The ascending distinguish of the aorta as it emerges from the left ventricle. Aortic arch The part of the aorta that arches and turns downward. Descending thoracic aorta The descending part of the aorta that branches into the thoracic and abdominal aortae. Descending abdominal aorta The distal part of the descending aorta, below the diaphragm it is continuous with the thoracic aorta.Dissection Exercise 51. Are the rubbery rings in the pig trachea complete or incomplete? Incomplete 2. How does the number of lung lobes in the pig compare with the number in humans? Pigs have 4 lobes in the right lu ng and 2 lobes in the left lung. Humans have 3 lobes in the right lung and 2 lobes in the left lung. 3. Describe the appearance of lung tissue under the dissection microscope. Dense since the lungs havent been inflated yet. 4. Why did the segment of lung tissue, cut from the fetal pigs lung, square off when placed in water? The fetal pig has not yet used the lungs to breathe so they are dense and deflated.Dissection Exercise 61. several(prenominal) differences between pig and human digestive anatomy should have become apparent during the dissection. Note the pertinent differences between the human and the pig relative to the following structures. Structure Pig HumanDissection Exercise 71. How do the structure and connectivity of the urinary bladder of the fetal pig differ from those of the urinary bladder of the human (or adult pig for that matter)? The fetal pigs urinary bladder is collapsed elongated sac that lies between the umbilical arteries. This is due to the fetal use of th e allantois. 2. What differences in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes account for the structural differences described above? The fetus gets rid of wastes via the allantois. 3. How does the site of urethral emptying in the female pig differ from the termination point in the human female? In the female fetal pig, urine is emptied into the urogenital sinus while in a human female urine is emptied through the external urethral orifice which is separate from the vagina.Dissection Exercise 81. The female pig has a Y-shaped (bipartite) uterus that of the human female is pear-shaped (one-part). Explain the difference in structure of these two uterine roles. 2. What reproductive advantage is conferred by the pigs uterine type? The ability to produce litters. 3. Cite differences noted between the pig and human relative to the following structures A. Uterine tubes or Oviducts In the fetal pig, the uterine tubes are tiny and relatively much shorter than in a human. B. Urethral and vagin al openings in the female In the female fetal pig, the urethra and vagina meet to create the urogenital sinus. The urethra and vagina in a female human never meet and are separate from one another.
пятница, 24 мая 2019 г.
Divorce Essay
The Beginning of the End Growing up I always believed break was the worst mistake a couple could make. Now that I am older I now have a different view on dissever. My upraises split when I was xvii years old, and since going through this experience I view disjoint differently. Although most people think of divorce as a negative thing, I think some meters it turns out to be the best decision for ein truthone involved. When I was a little girl all I would hear from people is how divorce was wrong and couples should always work out their differences.My p bents would always assure me that no matter how much we fight, we will never get a divorce. As the years went on things started changing in my parents relationship and we saw their marriage starting to dissolve. My sister and I could jaw that they were no longish the happily married couple they had been for the past 25 years. Eventually my fathers personality started to change, and he no longer was interested in family activitie s or spending quality time with my sister and I. He was not the dad we had known our whole lives. After realizing his behavioral changes he finally went to go see a professional.After a few sessions with the doctor and many counseling sessions with my mom, my dad was diagnosed with depression. We had already seen first hand what depression could do to a marriage, as his parents had gotten divorced after my dads mother was diagnosed with depression. As time went by I saw my fathers depression taking a buzzer on my mothers happiness and her daily attitude. I wanted twain of my parents to be happy, unless was that too much to ask of them to stay unneurotic? I knew my father had changed and was not the same man my mom had fallen in love with 25 years earlier.My dad was no longer the fun, ambitious, audacious guy my mom had met back in college. Instead my dad was bitter, had frequent outburst, and a constant negative outlook on life. When my parents finally reached the decision to d ivorce my family knew it was going to be a tough road ahead. Although my sister and I were upset we knew it was for the best, it was just going to take some adjusting. Luckily the divorce was very civil and my parents are still able to maintain a peaceful relationship for the sake of my sister and I. We both know my parents love us and that the divorce had nothing to do with anything we had done.My dad has since gotten help and my sister and I visit him often. He is getting back to the fun, loving, kind man we all knew him to be. Unfortunately, my dad waited to later(a) to make changes in his life to save his marriage. Today, my parents are both in healthy relationships with other people. My sister and I enjoy spending time with both families and feel blessed these new people are in our lives. I had a very negative view on marriage when my parents told me they were divorcing, but since that time I feel not everyone gets divorced and marriage takes a lot of work.Although the divorce was hard to swallow, it is good to see both of my parents happy again. Now that my parents divorce is final everyone seems to be more peaceful and happy with their lives. I am not saying divorce is the right decision for everyone, but I am saying depending on the situation sometimes it is the best choice. I have learned through my experience not to judge others that are divorced because everyones situation is different. I feel my parents made the right decision for our family and I am a stronger, and happier person as a result.
четверг, 23 мая 2019 г.
Brunos Change Essay the Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas
How does Bruno grow and swop in the novel, if at whole? Bruno does grow and change in the book but slowly it is only in the terminate that he truly evolves. Does he change when he moves to Out-With? And the first time he sees the camp, does he see it for what it is? When he meets Shmuel thats when he really changes. The writer has Bruno change so he develops personality. This is important because you need to get to know him when you say the book.Bruno does change a little bit when he moves to Out-With. He does get bored more easily (which anyone would if you had to move to the middle of nowhere) and he feels sad that he had to move away from his friends. So Bruno does change but its hardly noticeable. When Bruno first sees the camp he doesnt know what it is. It is only near the end when he goes inside that he actually sees that its a cruel, dirty and racist place.Gretel is also confused by it at first, A group of children organism shouted at by soldiersIt must be a rehearsal sugg ested Gretel (page 37) this shows how clueless she was but then later in the book she knows what its all about. When Bruno meets Shmuel he changes massively. He starts to forget what his three friends were called. He understands things more. But the main thing to make him change was FRIENDSHIP Without friendship he wouldnt hold back changed. When he finally sees the camp for what it is he changes in a way not many people would.When he dies he holds hands with Shmuel. That is true friendship. He took hold of Shmuels tiny hand in his and squeezed it tight Youre my best friend Shmuel, my best friend for lifeand despite all the nut house that followed, Bruno found he was still holding Shmuels hand and nothing in the world would have persuaded him to let go. So Bruno Does grow and change end-to-end whole book. But in the end it was friendship that really changed him.
среда, 22 мая 2019 г.
Synthesis of Guernica
During the Spanish Civil War, a small Basque village was bombed by German troops. In April of 1937, Pablo Picasso paid aegis to the bombing by creating the painting, Guernica, which showed a horrible scene of corpses and disaster stricken community. In 1985, a replication of Guernica was donated to the United Nations headquarters in New York and was hung outside(a) in the Security Council chamber. In February of 2003, councilmen gathered at the UN in order to hear US Secretary of State Colin Powell build the American case for war against Iraq.Before the procedure could begin, however, the replication was covered with a blue curtain and flags of the councils member countries, under the nonion that it was simply a matter of creating a more(prenominal) effective backdrop for the television cameras. Off the record, some UN officials believe that the United States leaned on UN officials to cover the tapestry, rather than keep up it in the background while Powell or other US diplom ats argued for war on Iraq. This situation relates directly to George Orwells 1984.The covering of Guernica is similar to the censorship Orwell condemns in 1984. (Source 4Walsh) In 1984, everything was censored and citizens were not allowed to think for themselves. Their government, the Party, regulated every aspect of life, from working to sleeping. Everyone was under their control. Even children were taught to censor the things their parents did or said. The government also dictated what was seen in the media, which is how Guernica connects to 1984. The theme of the painting, Guernica, is war.To have this graphic tribute to the loss of innocent lives as the background for ones speech justifying war is questionable. Just as the Party censored the media in 1984, UN officials were censoring what the open was seeing here. Why would they allow a painting that shows death, heartache, and loss to be the first thing the public saw? This would make the public question the motives of thos e speaking and make them wonder what there ulterior motives were for waging war against Iraq.If the Guernica would have remained the backdrop for the Secretary of State Colin Powell, the US would have been questioned by not only its citizens, but those of other countries also. When questioned, the US would have lost supporters and cooperation from its sister countries. This would have eventually led to bad relations between countries, which would have touched everyone greatly. In the end, politics is nothing more than a popularity contest.
вторник, 21 мая 2019 г.
Are Women More Law Abiding Than Men?
The Australian Wo manpowers Weekly (1933 1982), Wednesday 26 April 1967, page 4, 5 WOMEN ARE REALLY YES, in that respect is in ? ail very few women are that because the average wo art object opportunities for wickedness than the could it discovered . . . AND, offenders National Library of Australia are BUT . .. has fewer man? be thal fewer crimes by THE . women , . OR are of those discovered, fewer taken to court? http//nla. gov. au/nla. news-article51272975 I talked to Mr. Gordon senior lecturer at Hawkins, // men analogous were close jails. up stopped me Comptroller our in of gone to instantly went At the could mrtually we startlingThis see him from the former of my head. he said, there are moment, It from figures, to every ing 40 to to specific disparity enormous crimes, must Interestingly, Either that, said Mr. theyve got men I decided it where have following subject, 6, I dis- there were prisons, Melbourne or barbarous and negligent 172 act daily Welfare average for Queen sland four tern 25 1100 was men In South women. and Aus- with women. the Child of Department N. S. W. prisons For by omission, or and men I checked The women. driving, 21 men and no women. inflicting bodily harm prisoners in male wanton to see if the pat- ith juvenile, so teenage, crime. The figures relate to boys and girls aged ogdoad to 18. held called tralia ratio the was 864 In Perth it to every men to men 50 Here samples of the 30 latest trial 1964, 52 for murder, of figures N. S. W. stood men and In 1955-56, man equalize a by the Department In 940 women. released Police women. about was are 1966 over eight to)d 5905 spokes- a court there appearances under charged boys Crimes 364 by Act. There were by the were girls. We times me, five about accommodation need the women. In men the year 13,850 arrested for lar- same were ceny, and only 2054 Then here were women. the heartbreaking driving offences For bodily harm by for boys need for on parole than we girls. States Other Aus tralian similar ratio, a show very so does wise Zealand. inflicting wanton or furious I talked to Mr. more For led. ON covered 60 countries are Morony, grinning, or pursue the to women do their dirty work for them. to February 2200 young-bearing(prenominal) more it that means you think to men? asked. morally superior I effeminate, ris- in certain such as mean something. Do male burglary. it surely one the by eight arrests An percent. American compiled show FBI, from varies latest The he the ver country, ranging to five to 25 men prisons to every woman. in NJS. W. all me, world. country 40 a exists, disparity told out Uni- School, prison governor. The J. Mr. Crimin- Sydney Law versity another matter, on ology the at statement tracks. It came my Prisons for NSW. , Morony. Vd which women of Institute the . Gordon where there crime is in women freedom. example, its 2744 Where women their crime to in one Tunis, but Belgium. 342 Heres another ing and Algeria point, to interest- c ulled world-wide in one from criminal istics the crime of for It normally declines post-war as things get back o normal. disparity among This male and female crime has, it been noted for seems, centuries. criminologists face women less criminal, and looked for explanations. found in biological the said, than Others in roles puzzle outed women, the By an the by and one serve and in the in great world, the other the home,, removed from temptation and opportunity. if they will in the cause the added, change society two causes, social. situation role combine mit for lifting, thefts biological The tistics pfain there, daylight, and the staas figures The Criminality of prostiby thefts perjury, domestic servants, ccusations, infanti- abortion. cide, and social lack of Also writes, he opportunity, the be rather many in women to instigator the the performer than act. (In Mr. Moronys more Women phrase, in writing(predicate) to men their do dirty for them. ) work in- accomplices and fre quently escape detected, detection or, if And stigators often A punishment. escape womans likely she a were reluctant Juries are let her to than her charges against man. rnore are her arrest likely to more to off. shopper, at victim male prefer less the is harder shoplifting traditional detec to than a man. days 0 in particular in these elf-service merchandising Though lie. poison, prostitutes, by itself, against In example, by Woman, figures themselves. were and shop- murders false Pol insisted Dr. reported, lak under- grossly are Policemen the quarrelled with couldnt is womens expands. mis- give an inaccu tramp female, because masked crime tends to be often undetected, unreported, unpunished. comThe crimes women social, as Still others Few is The They have different men an leading. of the overt men. found society, with up unexpected conclusion figures themselves aux cases women submissive more conformist And came forces answer ifferences. they nature, in figures concluded by n ature are Some are have the value, that around Pollak tution simply accepted at and picture men. piecemeal Many Barnes female dramatically women are wartime, when doing and jobs taking reserved Criminality of published by Co. , New York, ( American in 1950), the criminologist Dr. Otto in responsibility The Women stat- rises rate rises rate In dramatically freer, are crimes by women property dramatically during 115 e w*r during w*r LAW-ABIDING SEX? of reasons can in explana- sorts be advanced tion, A warder in the womens section at Sydneys LongBay Jail watches prisoners in the exercise yard, lts . Mr. Hawkins The American ogist Talcott said. sociol- Parsons puts lot of stress on the different upbringings a of hardly crowded. and boys girl into girls. You initiate a *be homemaker-tnother KAY By KEAVNEY from earliest watch can this role. society time, presumably as opporwiden, women are often charged with or so alas, their against gible, nearest tery has dearest and most accessible, the family or the neighbor. Assault, for instance, And womans roles child parer, and nurse sick give her some are not opportunities available to Of The isnt goingHence theyre suffer from frus- to Girls are constantly conditioned to be feminine, boys to be strong, that is, tough, aggressive, by charac- of female crime, the is experts agree, violence but deceit. And competitive, with not tence sion Inside the variety home, gruesome tend to opportunities their use sexuality in a of ways, especially as decoys when working with a male accomplice. Dr. Pollak blames both female biology and society this deceitfulness. One way and another, he in all probability proves his theory that a greater proportion of and all in all, self defence. criminals women insis- an self-help, on But for nrealistic, true. bound women. marked something and trations. which are most teristic the murderers pilots, to come men. most boy example something that grue- all poison, mys- be initiated. to heroic pre- of certain a boy. The concrete no space traditional food rearer, of to home-maker, as the Girls in their play tend for the mother prepare role. Boys play at being is a husband, neighbor. or jobs are_ and intan- something to in which generally against lover, rival, for so sons. fathers Many often and most and bonny abstract crimes against the person. And, isnt this fathers tunities times. She her mother n But in our urban certain aggresoffice. or put into action. to Girls deviate from the in a difpermissible form ferent boys. from way broadly speaking they want to jump the gun to play their conventional roles but at a premature When its rates of crime. things of reasons wants boy, frustrated, turns to and dreams fantasies likely hes all too which proportion of crimes go undetected, unreported, uncharged, or unpunished. But, in Mr. Hawkins opinion, even allowing for all the factors Dr. Pollak brings forward, still you get a wide disparity between male and female sorts one factory a The female All no in
понедельник, 20 мая 2019 г.
Compare and Contrast Wwi and Wii
comparing/Contrast Essay Ever since the dawn of mankind there have been wars. WWI and WWI were devil of the most fatal and devastating wars in our history. In some(prenominal) wars, the Allied Powers defeated Germany in hopes of terminating German expansion and dominance. Although jolly similar, WWI and WWII were drastically different from each other. WWI was caused by an issue between countries for control of colonies, territories and resources. WWII began due to nationalistic tensions and opened issues from WWI.The Great War or the First area War launched the transformation of the world, but not until afterward the Second World War was anything really accomplished. WWI and WWII were similar in that they both exceedingly devastated many countries of the world. In both wars, europium was destroyed. People were left homeless farmland and industry were eradicated. Germany was also broken up as a result of both wars. After WWI, Germany no longer had colonies, and they lost the Alsace-Lorraine territory that organize Poland.After WWII, Germany was divided up into four zones run by the Allied Nations Britain, The United States of America, France, and the U. S. S. R. They did this to make sure that the national heartyist party would not gain control again. The tally expenditure for all countries involved in both WWI and WWII was colossal. Countries worry Germany, Britain, France and Russia suffered tough stinting problems after both world wars. In most European countries prices increase greatly after the wars. International trade in Europe declined and therefore created an obstacle in their economic recovery.Unlike Europe, the United States was strengthened by both wars. After both WWI and WWI, peacekeeping organizations were set up in hopes of guaranteeing political independence and territorial integrity for all countries, large and small. The League of Nations, established in 1919 down the stairs the Treaty of Versailles, promoted international corpo ration, peace and security. The League of Nations halted all activities after failing to prevent a minute world war. The United Nations, an international organization set up in 1945, was aimed at international security, social progress, economic development, human rights and world peace.Fortunately, the United Nations so far has prevented another world war, and still plays a vital role in international peace to this day. The Allied Powers won both wars and successfully hindered countries like Germany and Japan from causing anymore unnecessary devastation to the world. WWI and WWII differed in that they were initiated differently and WWII had a more laboured effect on the world population, economy, and culture. WWI was caused mainly by imperialism. Increasing competition and desire for larger empires take to an increase in involvement that pushed the world into the Great War.WWII was virtually an extension of WWI. It was caused by open(a) issues between countries as a result of the First World War. Although both world wars were devastating, WWII was the deadliest military conflict in history. By the end of WWI, it is estimated that nearly 10 million people died. At the conclusion of WWII, the shoemakers last count exceeded 78 million. Forty to Fifty civilians were killed in WWI, and almost half of them were due to war-related disease and famine. The total military deaths in WWII were as many as 25 million. WWII was a global conflict, whereas WWI was fought over roughly one hundred miles of territory.Up until WWII, Europe remained dominant politically and militarily. But after WWII, Europe was split and two new superpowers emerged the United States and the Soviet Union. The financial cost of the two world wars differed drastically. $334 billion was spent during WWI and $4. 1 trillion spent during WWII. After WWI, few attempts were made to prevent economic distress. But after WWII the World Bank, International Trade Organization, International Monetary Fun d, and the Marshall Plan were created in order to counteract economic decline.While WWI and WWII have their similarities, there are so many more differences between the two. Both wars left Europe destroyed, caused widespread economic distress, and were won by the Allied Powers. On the other hand, WWII and WWII began for very different reasons, and WWII had a more substantial effect on our society in terms of peacekeeping measures, deaths, and financial cost. WWI was the startle to the tragic Second World War which changed the course of the world in its entirety.
воскресенье, 19 мая 2019 г.
EPC Plant Equipment Maintenance Process
Man-hours of Planned WOW Standby Man-hours ratio 0 nary(prenominal) Of Standby Man-hours / No. Of total Man-hours Mean work-order execution time (Days) Maintenance cost and cost ratio 0 kernel nutriment cost per month / Total equipment book value 0 Differentiated values for man-hours and spare-parts 0 Divided in separated categories of equipment (rotary, fixed, facilities, etc. ) Measured monthly Level 1 cross-functional map of the new butt againstWe at EPIC have been able to produce and deliver high quality, high-value chemicals to our customers through modern process technologies and hallucinated equipment and facilities. However, The ever increasing competition in the market requires us to reduce our plant maintenance cost and improve maintenance productivity by reducing non-value-adding activities and idle times, optimizing our manpower and machinery resource allocation, reducing spare-parts inventories, and minimizing the equipment idle-time and maintenance/procurement dela ys. These objectives may not be achieved unless we review, assess, and improve our maintenance planning and execution processes.To achieve an agreeable level of maintenance quality and productivity aimed at increasing production reliability and continuation, we have proposed to inform a comprehensive analysis of maintenance processes, targeted at 50% reduction in maintenance be and time, 30% reduction in spare parts inventory, and an average inter-overhaul period of at least 8 years. Implementing the above initiative will hopefully enable us to maintain our cost leadership and roost at the top of the domestic chemicals market. Review/analysis of the current state and its problems/issues As cited in the persona n symptoms/problems and the root cause analysis chart, The most basic symptoms of the maintenance process which are manifested in the internal customers dissatisfaction are delayed execution and poor quality of maintenance work.These are mainly attributed to artless main tenance workers, poor coordination and cooperation between production and maintenance workers, and long procurement procedures, which result in some(prenominal) losses 0 Downtime from breakdown and changeover times 0 Speed losses (when equipment fails to operate at its optimum speed) 0 Idling and minor stoppages due to the abnormal operation of sensors, blockage of work on hates, etc. 0 Process defects due to scrap and quality defects to be repaired 0 Reduced take over in the period from machine start-up to stable production. But the ultimate cause of all these inefficiencies lies in the non-optimized function-oriented graded organization within the maintenance and other company-wide departments. In fact, this last phenomenon is the cause of fragmented processes and unnecessary restrain and inspection, which in turn hinder employees motivation and empowerment as well as cause very long cycles of spare-parts procurement. Initial improvements- Streamlining
суббота, 18 мая 2019 г.
Article: the Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment
Introduction In The Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment article written by Robert Barro, it contains information regarding the open-hearted unemployment insurance package and how it compares to the unemployment rate. Is it worth subsidizing? The seed expresses his views on the unemployment rate in 2010 in comparison to the lather unemployment rate constantly, which was in 1982. Obamas administration policy is expanding unemployment insurance eligibility to 99 weeks from the standard 26 weeks.This in return would cause higher taxes to pay for the insurance program associated with the unemployment compensation. Summary The genuine administration is to cogitate on government expansion these days, they believe the represent is ineffective because the tax deductions in the package had no cut effects in the marginal income tax rates that encourage investments, work efforts, and productivity growth. The cost is ineffective because the program subsidizes unemployment, therefore resultin g in insufficient ancestry searches, job acceptances, and levels of employment.The unemployment system has the largest extension ever for unemployed workers. The author blames the Obama administration, they should have prede enclosureined that the extension is reckless and an all around bad idea. Expanding to 99 weeks was unwise both economically and politically incorrect. Normative Arguments The normative issues associated with the state of economy and or the current policy relate to what should be rather than what is. The expansion of employment-insurance eligibility is 99 weeks compared to the standard of 26 weeks.People during this duration should be resourceful looking for jobs and going to interviews, but instead people are taking the inviolate unemployment package as a vacation or keeping a low end job on the side. The peak of the unemployment rate in 2009 was 10. 1%, but the rate was higher in 1982 at 10. 8% with a less generous package than now. In 1982 at a rate of 10. 8% unemployment the duration of pay lasted 17. 6 weeks. Those unemployed pertinaciouser than 26 weeks were at the 20. 4% long term unemployment rate which peaked in 1983 when the unemployment rate fell to 9. 4%, which then the mean of duration of unemployment reached 21. weeks and unemployment was at 24. 5%. Unemployment of less than 21 weeks plus the share of long term unemployment less than 25% (mean) in contrast to unemployment in todays world. At the peak of unemployment in June 2010 was at 35. 2 weeks and long term reached 46. 2%. Po ragive Arguments The imperative argument is information that supports the argument and has predictions about the economic relationships. The author does not agree with the Obama administration economists. They believe that if the insurance plan had been reduced unemployment would be reduced as well.The dramatic expansion of unemployment-insurance eligibility to 99 weeks is the reason unemployment is so high, because people believe that it wont f ertilise out, or this wont come up to me. We agree that the demand for unemployment is ridiculous, and people need a small time frame and more rules/regulations in order for the government to restrict people from just reinforcement off of unemployment. People take it as a joke, or as it wont happen to me, a job will come when the time is right but for now Ill impersonate back and just wait for my check. ConclusionIn conclusion, the research and statistics made the article stronger. It only addresses one and only(a) side of the issue which is the negative side. The normative analysis could have a little more positive feedback analysis to give his opinion more of a backbone and core to his findings. The author could go into more detail about changing the system and how people could be more positive and not sit and wait till the check or job comes to them. Works Cited Barro, Robert. The Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment. The Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment (2010). Print.
пятница, 17 мая 2019 г.
Hormones and Behaviors
Duncan Hormones play an beta role in bodily functions of the living human as well as mental functions that allow us to create, write, act, or in general be productive humans. When any of our internal secretions or the glands that produce them are not in sync or producing properly, we whitethorn not be able to think at all, or we may be so emotionally dysfunctional that we become nonproductive. Thus hormones may have a severe effect on our human behavior.Our endocrine system is made up of any glands that secrete chemicals presently into our bloodstream or lymph system. These chemical are called hormones, which are carried through the body, having an effect both on cozy activities and visible behavior (Icon, Mutterer, 2012). Hormones are like transmitters, activating other cells in the body. Melatonin is one such hormone that is released by the pineal gland in response to daily variations in light. The Pineal gland is a well developed light sensitive organ once considered useless, an unnecessary leftover of evolution, that we now issue square ups body withys and sleep cycles.Melatonin levels may have a great deal to do with our sleeping patterns as levels in the bloodstream rise at dusk, peak around midnight, and fall again as break of day approaches. Thus according to our brain, it is bedtime when melatonin levels rise and get up time when those levels decrease. This is a natural response thence to our environment, thus melatonin is the hormone that regulates our natural sleep patterns according to the sun coming up and the sun spill down.This is one element in support of how related not only mind and body ay be, notwithstanding also its relation to our planet or living environment. Other hormones affecting human behavior is a set called corrections, which have the Job of regulating salt balance in the body. When there is a neediness of certain corrections, a powerful craving for salt can be evoked. Corrections play an important role in helping our bo dy adjust to stress, they are also a secondary seeded player of sex hormones. Corrections are produced by the adrenal glands, located under the back of the rib cage, on the kidneys.It is the outer bark of the adrenal glands that produce the set of corrections. An over secretion of corrections can seduce woman to grow a beard, or premature puberty. One androgen, or male hormone, is testosterone, which is secreted in sharp supply by the adrenal gland however, for males, most testosterone comes from the testes. This particular sex hormone can regulate sexual potency, breast growth, voice changes, heart problems, liver damage, stunted growth, Just to name a few, when discharge balance one way or the other.
четверг, 16 мая 2019 г.
Post Modern Social Theory Essay
In a nutshell, post ripeism rose out of the comprehend problems and dangers that were brought by the advanced era of the world. With most parts of the world world at a lower place the influence of modern theoretical perspective like objectivity and scientific inclination, most of the theories that can be categorized infra postmodernism can be defined as an attack and criticism to the perceived problems of philosophers, sociologist and even artists to the reality that was created by modernism (Kellner, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Under the banner of postmodernism, we can see numerous thinkers that had started to analyze the modern world using their postmodern spectacles. Among this thinker are French philosopher and sociologist jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman who manage to tin a rich and fertile banter on the dissertate of postmodernism and the cultural and sociological framework of the modern world. In this paper, two thinkers shall be put in focus. These two t hinkers are so vital and important in the postmodern chat that understanding their thoughts and ideas testament enable us to understand more than the context of postmodernism. blue jean BaudrillardJust like any postmodernist theorists, the ideas presented by Jean Baudrillard can be characterized to be an attempt to analyze the modern sociological and cultural framework. In many cases, he managed to provide a discourse through the comparison of modern practical and theoretical transcription and pre-modern practical and theoretical system (i. e. frameworks during the industrial rotary motion). A good example that is very notable is his conception of the cheer system. For Baudrillard, the modern world had managed to provide numerous ways of characterizing value. He named at least four value systems that can characterize something or some angiotensin-converting enzyme.The first one is the functional value which is in relation to the functionality and instrumental use of the objec t. The second one is the exchange value which is the value of the object in relation to the economic condition and economic champion of manufacturing it. The third one is the symbolic value which is in relation to the relationship of the object to some single(a) or group of individual (e. g. diamond ring for marriage proposal). Lastly is the sign value which is the value of an object in a given set or system of objects due to the idea or values that it may represent (Baudrillard & Levin 132-133).According to Baudrillard, the modern world today with all the products and things that are be developed are enabling the construction of a newfound world system that is based on the third and fourth kind of value system. This means that most of the objects and products today base their values on a ostensible value system. This is in contrast to the value system of eras like the industrial revolution wherein things and objects are manufactured and made out of functionality and essence.Th is arranging of the modern world that is based on shallowness of value is ought to be destructed soon due to the empty bubble that it creates that is not based on flocks needs but kinda to spates superficial beliefs and desires. An idea also link to the value system is Baudrillards idea on simulacra and simulation. For him, what we have in the modern world is a system wherein we perceive things that are not really real and necessary. We are now living in a world wherein we acknowledge things like holiness, titles, prestige and other categories which do not really exist.It is comparable to a hyper-reality wherein we are living in a world where we acknowledge references without real referents. Much of our activities are contributing to the development of this simulacra. In many cases, we disregard what is real and just fit to live under the influence of this new and alternative reality. Baudrillard argues that this is indeed a dangerous system wherein we are living our lives in this new reality and we are living what is truly real to rot and be set divagation (Baudrillard, 50-51). Indeed, much of Baudrillards philosophies and criticisms are ought to make us review and rethink the human condition.With his ideas on superficial value system and simulacrum, we are being force to open ourselves and think outside what the society taught us to be. We are being taught by Baudrillard to perceive and see things as it is for us learn more in the real world. Zygmunt Bauman Together with Baudrillard, Bauman, a Polish sociologist had also provided a fertile ground in the discourse in modernity, culture and consumerism. Just like other postmodernist thinkers, Bauman had offered a picture of the modern arrangement of the modern world.He argued that what we have now is a society which preferred individual freedom rather than collective security. Prior to this system is an arrangement wherein individuals highly regards its power over nature, efficiency, hierarchy, rules a nd regulation. This is aimed to make our world safer and more secure. For Bauman, this is the characterization of the solid modernity. However, people had observed that despite these constructive efforts to bring peace, security and stability there are groups that cannot just be really controlled.This groups or individuals which cannot be controlled shall be referred as strangers. As a response, this solid form of modernity will later transform to a liquid form of modernity. In this new form of modernity, what are more important are the individual pursuit and the new take of freedom. However, this new sets of characteristics are made possible at the expense of concepts like security (Bauman, Postmodernity and its Discontents, 130). In this new type of modernity, numerous problems are arising. Primarily, the classic institutions like school, government and even laws are now losing its captivate to the people.The task of finding ones individual path is left to the people. People ar e forced to decide for their own goals and actions which often bring confusion and disarray. The strangers mentioned earlier in the first part of the discussion are also experiencing problems. Bauman for example relates these theoretical strangers to the Jews in the time of the Holocaust. He argued that though societies are being enticed with the spontaneity and actions of the strangers, they are at the same time afraid of them because no one knows what they will do next. In this sense, the Jews are the strangers of Europe.The Holocaust is the result of the fear to these Jews that is made possible with the fertile ground provided by this new kind of modernity (Bauman, Intimations of postmodernity, 94). Conclusion One cannot deny the historical pattern of societal system that exists in our world. As one societal arrangement managed to rise and exist, a new one will come to arise out of its shortcomings and mistakes. As the modern society managed to successfully challenged earlier sys tem much(prenominal) as feudalism, postmodernism is also a response for the shortcomings of modernity.Then again, we can always argue that postmodernism will modify the live that we have. Though we gain much from the modern system, we also lose much. The ideas of postmodernism are an attempt to even off our society and to reestablish or regain those functional characteristics that were dropped or erased because of our shift to modernism. Though some people can and may argue against this, one thing is for sure, the ideas of postmodernism are giving us a press stud for a chance to improve our lives. Works Cited Aylesworth, Gary. Postmodernism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005Baudrillard, Jean & Levin, Charles. For a critique of the political thrift of the sign. Telos Press, 1981 Baudrillard, Jean. Symbolic Exchange and Death. London Sage, 1976/1993 Bauman, Zygmunt. Does Ethics have a Chance in a adult male of Consumes. Harvard University Press, 2009 Bauman, Zygmunt. Int imations of Postmodernity. London Routledge, 1992 Bauman, Zygmunt. Post Modernity and its Discontents. New York University Press, 1997 Kellner, Douglas. Jean Baudrillard. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007 Klages, Mary. Postmodernism. University of Colorado, 2003
среда, 15 мая 2019 г.
Business law report kamaran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business law report kamaran - Essay ExampleRargonly do individuals have sufficient bargaining power of their own. Once the terms of employment start rolling, the contr promptual obligations of the employee are widened by standard terms assumed by courts and employment tribunals to be implied in tout ensemble employment contracts. By definition, employment contract is the accord between an employer and employee which helps to facilitate smooth relations between the two parties. The contract of employment ought to have specific contents failure to which it might be declared deceitful and void. More often than not, an employment contract must contain the names of employer and employee the date when employment began the scale, rate, and rule of calculating remuneration the pay intervals pensions scheme details terms and conditions of hours of work sickness and incapacity details and entitlements holiday entitlements notice entitlement the expected place of work and address of the employers job title or brief description of the work any collective agreements affecting the employment any grievance and disciplinary rules relevant to the employee and details of any work abroad lasting more than one month. The employee must be notified of there are changes on the provisions mentioned as soon as they are enacted (Vettori 2007). Companies ought to afford a intelligent environment that provides managers and directors with maximum protection. Todays managers and directors are exposed to greater liabilities than insurance coverage entirely can address. A manager or director ought to ensure that an organization, which is the, employer, complies with various legal tasks to its employees. These responsibilities include nonrecreational wages deducting wages on behalf of the government providing paid time off for holidays creating a conducive running(a) environment that is devoid of discrimination and harassment and providing a safe workplace. Managers or directors who do not consort out the duties as expected by law may be held accountable. In the corporate world, everything that managers and directors do is open to criticism mainly by those people their actions and decisions as being negative. Corporate governance often requires managers and directors to balance the competing interests of various company constituents. Therefore, managers and directors are required to conform to the duty of obedience whereby, their own acquire and the corporations activities are applicable to specific statutes and the corporate charter. As a result, managers and directors are likely if they cause a corporate decision that is considered to be illegal. Nevertheless, the business concern judgment rule protects managers and directors who make conditioned and unbiased business decisions without any form of ill will. However, this rule does not apply at all a judgment has yet to be issued. This is often the case when the manager or director fails to act (Holla nd 2013). In the United Kingdom, the exchange of goods and services is governed by contract law. Therefore, problems that are related to interpreting, assenting, and use of contracts in international transactions may be harmful to the proper running of the internal market. The conduct of business in the United Kingdom is governed by the European law which deals with the conduct and relations between nation-states and international organizations, as well as some of their relations with persons (Pace 2011). Unlike domestic law, European law slackly cannot be enforced. Consequently, European courts do not have
вторник, 14 мая 2019 г.
Elicitation as One of the Most Critical Activities in Business Analysi Case Study
Elicitation as One of the Most scathing Activities in Business Analysis - Case Study ExampleThe psychoanalysts need to be absolutely accredited about the information collection tool as this entrust pave way for the analyst to originate the necessary questions. It is extremely important for the researcher to ensure that the questions prepared for the induction encompass any pivotal detail regarding the business. The analysts will in any case get to prepare a full list of stakeholders who are to be interviewed. Upon preparation of the stakeholder list, a schedule needs to be prepared according to the convenience of the participants. The analysts will also have to arrange for the transportation facility for the stakeholders in order to ensure that the information elicitation is conducted in a timely manner.The interview has been chosen as the primary data collection instrument for conducting the elicitation activity precisely because of the fact that it will provide the analyst as well as the stakeholders to reverberation question each other. The subjective research driven by an elaborate interview process will en competent the analyst to create a learning environment. In that way, the analyst will be able to identify the needs and requirements of the stakeholders in details (Walters& Rainbird, 2011). One of the major advantages of the interview process is that it is a unrivalled to one communication. The analyst will be able to give equal emphasis on every individual stakeholder by adjudging their attitude towards a particular question. The interview will also allow the analyst to probe the participants in order to extract crucial information from them. By doing so, the analyst will be able to identify any weaknesses in the business model employed by Greens galvanizing Store. In addition to that, the analyst will also be able to evaluate if the participants are live up to with the business model or not. This, in turn, will enable the analyst to learn about the expectations that the stakeholders have from the organisational managers.
понедельник, 13 мая 2019 г.
4 Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
4 Questions - Research Paper Exampledigital media facilitates faster communication of sports and entertainment news (Cortada, 2006).Digital media outlets lay an efficient platform for sports organizations to interact with the fans from different separate of the country and various continents. The impact of this is that, the organization acquires mass support and numerous economic benefits.Digital media withstand transformed sports and entertainment consumption. An avenue for linking the teams, artist and the fans is well laid. The fast evolution of the entertainment industry is attributed to the digital media. Information about existing and newly veritable media such as video games, animations and many others is substantially conveyed to the audience (Stein & Evans, 2009). This has largely popularized the entertainment industry.In the next five years creativity in the digital media leave bring heightened competition on television broadcasting. The continuing advancement in techn ology will enhance more innovations and thus expectant competition.The next five years will be of great impact to e-commencing. In fact, the increasing adoption of modern and developing technology will expand the dramatic eventground for e- commerce. More places will have been reached and the overall transactions increasedMobile commerce is rapidly growing in the recent past as due to escalating use of refreshful phones and tablets for online retailing (Bhasker, 2006). It is now manageable to inspect and make payments for goods or services from any part of the world through the use of smart phones and tablets. Additionally, mobile video consumption has risen as a popular trend recently. Online video play has significantly boosted ecommerce conversations and marketing (Manzoor, 2010). Considering the increasing number of innovation and invention made every year, the current trends in mobile ecommerce will definitely take a new face. More applications and features will be develop ed to ease the online retailing. In fact, mobile
воскресенье, 12 мая 2019 г.
The Implications of Downsizing (Rightsizing) to the Employees, Research Paper
The Implications of Downsizing (Rightsizing) to the Employees, Communities, and Families of the Employees - Research Paper framework Downsizing exposes the employees, communities, and the families of employees to psychological, emotional, and physical distress whether they remain employed or get fired. Generally speaking, the implications of downsizing accommodate embarrassment, lack of the source of income, depression, low self-esteem, emotional abuse, social exclusion, and poverty. I shall also identify the relative vastness of the three kinds of stressors, so that the most significant, the significant, and the least significant stressors are identified separately. The expected outcome of the go is a list of contributors of psychological, emotional, and physical distress for the identified populations, along with the relative importance of each menage of stressors. Knowledge of these stressors is the preliminary step towards the identification of the potential ways in which th e effect of these stressors can be reduced. ... The first challenge in front of these employees is to seek employment somewhere else. Since they have non left wing the organization on their own and have rather been fired, this serves as a truly negative get if the employees cannot somehow manage to prove that they left the organization on their own. The recruiters tend to suspect the eligibility of such employees for the parentage because they were rejected by their previous employers. Downsizing is mostly a consequence of the deteriorating political and socioeconomic conditions in a country, so when one organization downsizes, most of the other organizations are also doing the same. Finding a job in these circumstances becomes even more difficult for the employees. The process of searching for the job is not only physically tiring but is also emotionally demanding as one has to face the mellowed expectations of the friends and family members who depend fiscally on one with no job in hand. The second challenge in front of the unemployed employee is the constant feeling of embarrassment in front of the friends and family members. Owing to the shortage of money, it is not very uncommon for one to decline to the level that one has to ask friends for money, which in itself is a very embarrassing process, and often the loan is not granted without interest that puts the individual into an even greater financial stress for the time to come. The employees have to meet the daily needs in an increasingly tough purlieu wherein the prices of things are skyrocketing. All of these factors mutually function to negatively affect the individuals health and psychology.
суббота, 11 мая 2019 г.
BRAND LOYALTY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BRAND LOYALTY - Essay Examplelty has five advantages 1-profit, 2-reduction of new customer aquistion costs, 3-word of mouth helps marketing, 4-customer uncoercedness to manufacture higher prices, and 5-higher Brand Loyalty results in higher market sh atomic number 18s. The importance of Brand Loyalty atomic number 18 the same as the advantages. Brand Loyalty reduces price sensitivity for the consumer. If a consumer trusts a Brand, they are willing to pay more for a product. Loyal consumers will also recommend Brands to other people parsimony marketing costs.Brand Loyalty increases profits, while providing competitive advantages toward successful brands. Brand Loyalty inspires trust in consumers, raises market shares, and increases profits for the company marketing the Brand.Brand Loyalty does not have a coterie measureablity. A few vairables to measure Brand Loyalty are brand preference and attitude toward the brand. unalike Brand manufacturers use different measurements. The m easurement of Brand Loyalty is important because managers must cope with the disloyalty among customers and visit Brand Loyalty.There are half dozen strategic Branding decisions corporations must make 1-Brand context, 2-Brand construction, 3-Brand confirmation, 4-Brand consistency, 5-Brand continuity, and 6-Brand conditioning. After establishing these six strategic Branding decisions, Long Term strategic advantages for building Brand Loyalty are 1-improvement on return of all investment made in the brand, 2-maximising Brand growth potential, and 3-protecting the brand against consumer disloyalty triggers. There are four disloyalty triggers 1-peer recommendations to try different Brands, 2-new products, 3- perceived shift in price-value relationship of the Brand/competitive Brand, 4-strong disceptation advertising. Long term strategic disadvantages include a lack of understanding of what the Brand stands for, inadequate keep/research, and private label threats. Short Term Brandin g challenges are 1-senior managements short-term focus
пятница, 10 мая 2019 г.
Economics of Modern Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
economics of Modern Capitalism - Essay ExampleMalthus made two propositions in his contestation about universe of discourse. Firstly, that population escalates in a geometrical type of ratio and endorsely, that subsistence rises in an arithmetical type of ratio. These two Malthus propositions category the popular population article of belief which, as he argues is part of the causes of lack of progress by gentlemans to the achievement of happiness. This so called cause is coherently link up to the human nature where there is a ceaseless trend of the entire animated life to rise in populations beyond what is there to nourish them. The required as well as essential impacts arising from such tendency are misery and other related vices that has had philanthropists trying in vain to rectify. The principle of population applied by Malthus to bring forth his argument is all based upon natural law where animated life increases far much higher than the accessible means for the su bsistence of their life. This natural law of growth in population is usually put in visit by another as Malthus continued to argue, which is the necessity law that restrains the growth inside particular boundaries and at the same time keeping it as low as the avail adapted subsistence means. In the case of humans, this natural law of necessity acts by the dictated way of numerous checks that can be ranked under(a) two major categories. These major categories are with the inclusion of (i) preventive kind of checks that put an impediment upon foulness and (ii) the positive types of checks that raise mortality or the death probability. The final outcome is the misery and poverty situations witnessed among the short of every country as well as the futile attempts by the well-to-do to rescue them. Marx, and Engel alike, on the other hand came up with a counter argument in reaction to Malthus theory of population. They did their epitome under two levels to make their argument clear. The first level is their view that Malthus theory is too oecumenic principally in that it is just another of the way bourgeois economists make more reified the transactionhips observed in a typical society. In the theory of Malthus, reify bears the meaning of changing concrete historical relations in a society as well as processes into eternal laws of nature. The process of reification mentioned with regards to friendly relationships, are characterised in the intellectual production nature under the niftyist conditions of production and the process of human reflections of the social life forms in tandem with the scientific analysis of the same social life forms. The second level is the more precise level of the Marxs reaction to Malthus population principle. This level is about the principle of the reserve army of labour which is also referred to as the relative surplus population. He expounds on his stop as he continues to make an analysis of the capital accumulation general l aw. Marx says that the expansion and accumulation of capital comprises of the capitalisms driving force and this becomes a possibility only in scenarios where capitalists are able to operate at a gain. Gains arise in the appropriation of the surplus encourage that is produced by the strength of labour he purchases. Accumulation arises at the point where capitalists change a part of their surplus value capital. This serves capitalists by allowing them some space to realise expansion and to apportion the extra surplus value and
четверг, 9 мая 2019 г.
Prison Overcrowding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
prison house Overcrowding - Research Paper ExampleGenerally, prison overcrowding is not a modern phenomenon because internal insurgencies and wars result in prison overcrowding. But in the modern context, several factors (say, apart from internal insurgencies and wars) force prisons to face the chore of overcrowding. Some people consider that prison overcrowding is deeply rooted in the functioning of the criminal justice brass. But some others consider that prison overcrowding reflects the change in governance within the context of the roughshod Justice System. Still, one can see the modern concept of prison privatization curbs the development of the prison constitution because the government is no longer the protector of the prison system in general. Thesis statement The query on prison overcrowding proves that the factors like privatization, less capacity of prisons, increase in crime rate, increase in incarceration, ineffective Criminal Justice System, and ineffective planni ng result in prison overcrowding.First of all, hugger-mugger prisons are entirely different from government prisons because the former is found upon contractual agreements with different government agencies and the latter(prenominal) is under the direct control of the government. This basic difference is exploited by the private prisons because profit (say, based upon the funding from the government) is the ultimate aim. In the beginning, private agencies were allowed to undertake some services related to the prison system like transportation and serving food. During the era of disinvestment, private prisons became popular in the US and UK. Gradually, other real nations followed this path and private prisons began to flourish in different nations.
среда, 8 мая 2019 г.
SABMiller Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
SABMiller Analysis - Case Study causeThe outdoor(a) environment for SABMiller in 2010 was conflicted by the in faculty to differentiate certain products in its portfolio of brands, namely the take fire beer categories, which accounts for 40 percent of total beer sales in the U.S a significant volume. In Western Europe, well-established indemnity brands were estimated to be driving consumer demand based on their buying trends. This was a difficulty discovering that new decision maker leadership worked toward reducing the Miller brand portfolio from 50 down to just 10 or 12 products. Divestment of premium brands that occurred during the earlier part of the 2000s seemed to limit the ability of SABMiller to re-establish brand presence for low-performing beer. Clearly, SABMiller is affected by the consumer doings preferences driven by trends or consumption patterns and must reengineer processes to meet these changing demands. In 2010, it was also transcend that SABMiller is impact ed by events in the external commercialize, such as South African AIDS pandemics, authority in certain currency markets related to the stock market and trading, and other events that limit their short-run potency to gain revenue and/or market share. However, SABMiller understood these limitations and worked to leverage other activities to the best of their ability, especially considering that just about external events like the AIDS scenario was completely outside of the control of strategic leadership and focus. Additionally, the external market was driven by articulatio ventures from some of the major players in the beer industry, thus limiting the ability to consider this a quality strategy that had once served them well, such as with Coors and other brands. Even though these had short-term revenue opportunities and cost reduction improvements, or streamlining operational functions, their long-term value was diminishing. The external market provided opportunities to go res ources with competition, however this strategy has long-term brand problems at the marketing level when similarly-priced products in a joint venture are competing with one another. Thus, finding new opportunities based on the external market characteristics were enough increasingly difficult to innovate and implement. SABMillers competitive advantage SABMillers competitive advantage had been the ability to coordinate resources for acquisitions in order to extend their portfolio of brands across Europe, emerging economies and the United States. This drove considerable supremacy from 2001 until 2009, such as the acquisition of Grolsch, Sarmat Brewery in the Ukraine, and multiple brewery purchases in the Chinese market. As indicated by the high societys cash flow statements, the improvement in total brand portfolios gave it more resources to seek acquisitions as a strategy for long-term growth and opportunity in emerging economies and locally. SABMiller fits the profile of a strateg ic leader when it comes to seeking opportunity through acquisition and divesting poor performing brands when required through external analysis and business process reengineering.
вторник, 7 мая 2019 г.
Medical Ethics and Informed Consent Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Medical Ethics and Informed Consent - Assignment ExampleResearchers argued that the experimentation was to wait on develop an immunization for hepatitis B. The ethical challenges at hand are that yes, it is evident that research needed to be done on hepatitis at that beat. However, children with mental retardation already produce problems enough in their lives. This is uniform saying that their life has no value. In some cases, the parents did not consent. Depending on the level of mental retardation, a child can thrive solely to deliberately expose them to hepatitis could greatly diminish their already displace quality of life and the children countenance no say in it. They are the ones to go through the bruise and struggle but instead were treated as though they were already discarded bodies. For the parents that may have consented to this experiment, they were subjecting their children to something that the effects were unknown. During a type of experiment like this, it is questionable as to what informed consent yet is because what are the minimum standards for subjecting a persons life to something that could be fatal for the sake of the health check industry? It could almost be envisioned as child abuse. Neither the researchers nor the publishing journals were responsible in making their decision to infect these children. It could be argued whether or not the publication of these editorials was ethical as well. The entropy about the research was disclosed that the children were at a particular school and that is an issue of confidentiality. Additionally, it was an experiment conducted on human beings. No one was to know the outcome. To publish the editorials was almost an intent to show that there was strife in the medical field and to effect a media inspired uproar. Abigail Alliance vs. FDA Majority Opinion Abigail was a terminally ill patient with cancer whom had undergone chemotherapy and radiation. She also had possible access to experime ntal drugs that her oncologist was suggesting. Though she could have possibly had positive effects and saved her life, the drug was only available for clinical trials. By the time that she was allowed to be entered into the clinical trial program, she was too ill to make the trip to see if the drugs would work on her and she died a couple of weeks later. The Abigail Alliance was created to help expand the availability for drugs that are only available for clinical trials to also be available to patients that are terminally ill. These drugs not only could have been helpful for Abigail but for many other patients solely like her that were minimally competent and would have had the ability to make the decision for themselves had the FDA not stood in their way of obtaining these drugs. The FDA, though it makes regulations about drugs in the United States, has to conduct research on these pharmaceuticals to test to ensure that they are safe. For someone that is terminally ill, it could be a method of helping to create a better quality of life or even improve their longevity. These patients were not given the correctly to access treatment but the FDA looks at it from the perspective of being a liability if their organization allows just anyone to take these drugs
понедельник, 6 мая 2019 г.
The Concept of the Ecological Footprint Assignment
The plan of the Ecological Footprint - Assignment ExampleAt the same time, communities and society need to grow in their concern and understanding about the environs while providing more access to resources that provide sustainability and lower numbers racket in ecologic tones.There argon several apprehensions and factors that are attributed to the ecological footprint. The main concept is establish on the behaviors, social expectations, and trends that are within a culture. The inwardness of knowledge that one has about the environment similarly creates a different approach to the ecological footprint that is lend oneselfd. The first factor that determines an ecological footprint is based on the capacity that a human has to use different types of resources and how this directly impacts the environment. The main concept that has to be looked into is based on the amount of resource consumption that an individual uses per year. As economic harvest continues to emerge and as ri sing material standards rise in demand are also problems with ecological deterioration. The more in which one demands to have specific resources available, the more it contributes to environmental changes as a use of resources on the planet (Wackernagel, Rees, 1996).Even though it is required that each individual uses a specific amount of resources, there is also a rising concern with the way in which these resources are impacting the environment. If the ecological resources that are available continue to rise, then it will create unsustainable communities. The first places that are affected are urban settings, which require substantial resources to work with agriculture and to produce resources for different nations. If this increases, then the percentage of resources essential also increase. At the same time, the environmental needs dont match the number of resources that are needed within a community.
воскресенье, 5 мая 2019 г.
V Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Professionalism and Clients Interests - Essay ExampleChartered Surveyors have the resolveual obligation to meet the demands and expectations of their clients as stipulated in their lockment contract provided however that these demands and expectations are within the ambit of the law. Should conflict ensue, the rent surveyors duty does not end with a recommendation of appropriate measures to his client to abide with the dictates of the law and down processes to correct or rectify any variance, delinquency or transgression. The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS decree of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor testament make are in accordance and harmonious with the letter of the law.The chartered surveyor should be the ad vocate of the polity of conduct of his work as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own honorable beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is supplementary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the publics welfare. The chartered surveyors primary goal should also allow the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in the code of conduct.... The chartered surveyor is likewise mandated by RICS code of conduct to ensure that the correct resolution as provided for by the provisions of the law is followed according to the letter of law, rules and regulations. The fiduciary obligation of chartered surveyors to their clients is that all the recommendations and findings that the surveyor will make are in accordance and congruent with the letter of the law. The chartered surveyor should be the advocate of the code of conduct of his profession as he adheres to these standards, it follows that his actions are strictly guided by the regime of his profession as well as his own moral beliefs and principles. Although the chartered surveyor has an obligation to his client, such responsibility is secondary to the duty of the chartered surveyor to the publics welfare. The chartered surveyors primary goal should also include the maintenance of the integrity of his industry and ensure that the norms enunciated in the code of conduct are obeyed with utmost fidelity. The maestros best service to his client is to translate such requirements in accordance with commanding laws, implementing rules and regulation. Obligations and Contracts canvass is one of the professional services that can be procured through a regular engagement contract with a certified or chartered surveyor. As in other contracts, a contract to engage the services of a chartered surveyor shall include the scope and terms of reference of the services covered. This contract shall govern the relationship of the chartered contractor and the client. The terms of reference shall list all of the services, duties and
суббота, 4 мая 2019 г.
Media Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media rivulet - Essay ExampleThe three most common types of media trials utilize narratives taken directly from entertainment media abuse of power, the sinful rich, and evil strangers. These themes provide the news media with powerful pre-established conceptual frameworks to present and mold the various aspects of a trials coverage.President Clinton is accused of obstruction of justice and perjury while attempting to conceal an affair with a uncontaminating House intern. Verdict The electric chair is found innocent of the charges as U.S Senate votes on both articles of impeachment fall dead of the two-thirds majority required to convict. Defendants Clinton impeachment (1999)The impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton followed the lawsuit filed by Paula Jones on May 6, 1994 in the United States District Court for Eastern Arkansas for violations of her federal civil rights in 1991 by the president while he was governor of Arkansas and she was an Arkansas state employee, during which time Governor Clinton allegedly do crude sexual advances which she rejected.The name of Monica Lewinsky, who had worked as a White House intern in 1995 was include in a list of potential witnesses prepared by the attorneys for Ms. Jones that was submitted to the Presidents legal team. Ms.
пятница, 3 мая 2019 г.
Managment Change and Creativity in Organizations Essay
Managment Change and Creativity in Organizations - Essay ExampleAs the discussion declares the nature of this complex phenomenon is elusive, thus vesting the scientific approach with the linear characteristics. The development of creativity research is taking various forms and seems to be growing into different directions, similarly to the buds on a branchy tree diagram the sprouting of the new sprigs is likely to bear underlying disposition to be considered. Despite being found on the common theoretical background, the research studies do not reflect the unified paradigm. The ambiguous and brief essence of creativity stirs the interest towards the quintessence that is driven and drives the evolution.According to the paper findings the creativity is the engine of piece aspiration. The concept forms a strong nexus with the innovation, which is the origin of the unexpected value, and it can hardly be underestimated in the context of the overall corporate performance. Without exagge ration, the new era has been born, and nowadays its prevalence dictates the new rules, where the major lying-in is to transform the social and intellectual capital into fresh and necessary ideas. The abruptness of the knowledge economies shift has kindle the enormous curiosity towards creativity-innovation duet on open spaces of the workplace. Today, innovation is the main prerequisite for the corporate survival, oft acting as the key to a variety of significant challenges on a worldwide scale, implying sustainability and international warming.
четверг, 2 мая 2019 г.
Introduction to Marketing Business Report Essay
Introduction to Marketing argumentation Report - Essay ExampleIt is fundamentally collection of data by conducting market surveys, questionnaire, focus aggroup interviews and telephonic interviews. Sampling techniques and statistical tools go away be a prerequisite for Abercrombie and Fitch.Secondary data is basically library research, wherein data already present is used for references and analysis. It includes company reports, annual reports, articles, government reports etc. These argon readily available and come in handy during research.a) Abercrombie and Fitch fall in the category of apparels and accessories. It is a lifestyle and retail catering sector for men, women and kids in the age group of 14-22. The audience from this category looks for a comfortable and casual clothing line which is trendy and stylish and at the same time flaunts a luxurious lifestyle (Plunkett, 2008).The consumer purchasing decisiveness process is essentially the stages a consumer goes through whil e do choices regarding which products and services to buy and use (Ferrell and Hartline, 2010 Dibb and Simkin, 2008).There are five steps in the identification process of consumer purchase behaviour (Rohan Academic Computing, 2011). The marketing research done above will help in evaluating the buying process of the customers targeted by Abercrombie and Fitch.For repeat purchasers, the experience with the strike out will decide their choice of sticking to the brand or looking for something new. For first time buyers, marketing of the brand such as website, promotional activities, ad will decide how much time and effort the consumer is going to put in that particular brand.The consumer will look into what other brands are offering. The style, latest trends, design, availability, discounts and sale offers are few of the factors which will influence the decision process heavily.Once the consumer has decided to buy Abercrombie and Fitch brand, this decision can be influenced by cond itions such as store
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