среда, 27 ноября 2019 г.
Thanksgiving Essay Example For Students
Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving Essay Day In todays meeting, the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, officially announced he is having a Thanksgiving party at his ranch in Crawford, Texas this weekend. Throughout the day, invitations were sent out all over the White House. My body grew tremendously excited at the possibility that maybe this year I would be invited. My partner Bill walked in with his invitation in his hand, wagged it around as though it were merely nothing to him and then threw it aimlessly towards the trash can but missed. We will write a custom essay on Thanksgiving specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My eyes grew large as I was extremely angered by the offense he had just committed in front of me. To my surprise, he caught my severe look and politely asked, Would you rather go instead of me? I could simply change the name without anyone knowing. The tension on my face began to ease as I looked up at him from my seat and to my amusement my lips formed a strong smile in answer to his question. The process took only a short moment but in that time I carefully observed the paper in Bills hand and couldnt help but notice its beauty. The thickness of the card clearly showed its expense and the soft colors of the shade blue played along the edges of the card, showing its artistic side for the affair. And now I was a member. Once I got to my apartment I called my family back home to tell them about the exciting news. Father wasnt home but the message was reassured to get through to him, making sure plans were still set. I packed everything I thought I would need and headed off to sleep. My legs trembled as they always did at times like these and before I knew it the sunlight crept into my bedroom, slowly covering it completely. Now, it was time to go. I arrived at the ranch on time with everybody else so that I would blend in. There stood President Bush, his lovely wife Laura and the adorable twins Barbara and Jenna. It was the twins 23rd birthday as well, so the celebration was going to be a big hit. On the left side of the President stood everybody else from his team like Vice President Richard B.Cheney, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Powell, and National Security Advisor Rice. The Vice President seemed happy and eager to eat as he kept rubbing his pot belly. Rice continued throughout the time keeping her firm, strict face as though she didnt quite understand the concept of what a vacation meant which was to relax. And finally the Presidents speech about the meaning and importance of Thanksgiving came along. This included special guests the King and Queen of Spain who would be attending the ball. Extra people I didnt know about but thrilled to know I would be in the presence of such royalty. Afternoon activities included horse back riding, swimming and other outdoor sports. The lunch was amazing. The menu consisted of free-range fresh turkey with giblet gravy, prairie chapel bass, mashed sweet potatoes with maple syrup and chipotle peppers, pan-roasted root vegetables, walnuts and apples, cornbread stuffing, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and ice cream of all favors for desert. The President, his family and guests all ate inside for security reasons, so I was stuck sitting at the table with people from work. At the end after the food I knew what I needed, a nice cigarette so I went in search for a spot in which I would smoke. But before lighting up I realized I was at the far end of the villa in which I could clearly see into the Presidents office. There he was having a discussion with his advisor about some issue concerning the lack of security. He seemed very worried; by the way he was pacing rapidly back and forth with his hands folded. Before I could get caught I got myself out of there. .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .postImageUrl , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:hover , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:visited , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:active { border:0!important; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:active , .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20 .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc9612146caef83bb971ac0425dd04c20:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Microsoft Windows Essay Time flew until it was time for the ballroom party. I wore my violet, long, stain dress and left my hair down. Simple, but I knew I looked good. Confident I walked in with . Thanksgiving Essay Example For Students Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving Essay The truth behind the tradition is surprising. Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims seem to go together, but the truth is, the Pilgrims never held an autumnal Thanksgiving feast. However the Pilgrims did have a feast in 1621, after their first harvest, and it is this feast, which people often refer to as The First Thanksgiving. This feast was never repeated, though, so it cant be called the beginning of a tradition, nor was it termed by the colonists or Pilgrims a Thanksgiving Feast. In fact, a day of thanksgiving was a day of prayer and fasting, and would have been held any time that they felt an extra day of thanks was called for. We will write a custom essay on Thanksgiving specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Nevertheless, the 1621 feast has become a model that we think of for our own Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims were not the first people to have a celebration of this kind. Many other civilizations held festivals to celebrate the harvest. The ancient Greeks and Romans prayed to the gods and goddesses of the harvest, and also originated the idea of the cornucopiathe horn of plenty. The Jews celebrate the holiday Sukkot, which honors the awards of the harvest, and the Chinese enjoy the celebration of the Harvest Moon. Even native New Yorkers commemorate the harvest long before Thanksgiving arrives. Pumpkins, apples and corn are abundant in the open-air markets of the city beginning in late September. The autumn of 1621 yielded a plentiful harvest and the Pilgrims, gathered together with the Massasoit Indians to reap the awards of hard work. Celebrating Thanksgiving is like celebrating an even that includes the dead of over 11,000 Wampanoag Indians died due to illnesses that they contracted from white settlers. The truth of the matter is, when the Pilgrims arrived, they found an abandoned Wampanoag village and moved right in. In 1618, a massive epidemic of an unknown disease left by English explorers swept across Wampanoag country and decimated many of the villages. This epidemic caused the death of ten to thirty percent of the total population and all but a few of the 2,000 people of the village of Patuxet. When the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, they landed at Patuxet with no idea of what had occurred. At this point, there were only about 2,000 members left in the Wampanoag tribe, down from 12,000 in 1600. Despite the incredible losses to his people, Wampanoag leader Massasoit and 90 of his men sat down for a harvest celebration offered by the white men. For three days the Wampanoag and Pilgrims feasted on deer, wild turkey, fish, beans, squash, corn and other foods native to North America. Although the celebration was good-natured, this event truly signifies the beginning of a drastic decline of native culture and Thanksgiving would be more fittingly observed as a day of mourning rather than a celebration. In the years that followed, skirmishes occurred and more Native Americans were killed. In 1637, English soldiers massacred 700 Pequot men, women and children as an example of the English way of war, yet we still celebrate Thanksgiving as a joyful event. So, as we sit down for our Thanksgiving dinner, let us consider the words of Frank James in his 1970 speech: Today is a time of celebrating for you but it is not a time of celebrating for me. It is with a heavy heart that I look back upon what happened to my people. When the Pilgrims arrived, we, the Wampanoags, welcomed them with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end. . Thanksgiving Essay Example For Students Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving Essay Day, national holiday in the U.S. commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621. The first national Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Pres. Washington for Nov. 26, 1789. Pres. Lincoln revived the custom in 1863. In 1941 Congress decreed that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the PILGRIMS first thanksgiving feast. national holiday in the United States commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. In that year Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving, and the feast was shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native Americans. Although similar observances were held locally, they were sporadic and at no set time. After the American Revolution the first national Thanksgiving Day, proclaimed by George Washington, was Nov. 26, 1789. Abraham Lincoln, urged by Sarah J. We will write a custom essay on Thanksgiving specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Hale, revived the custom in 1863, appointing as the date the last Thursday of November. In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. When a contradiction arose between Roosevelts proclamation and some of those of state governors, Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions; the customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims first thanksgiving feast. Bibliography: Student Referance Library . Thanksgiving Essay Example For Students Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving Essay Day, national holiday in the U.S. commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621. The first national Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by Pres. Washington for Nov. 26, 1789. Pres. Lincoln revived the custom in 1863. In 1941 Congress decreed that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the PILGRIMS first thanksgiving feast. national holiday in the United States commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and privation. In that year Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving, and the feast was shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native Americans. Although similar observances were held locally, they were sporadic and at no set time. After the American Revolution the first national Thanksgiving Day, proclaimed by George Washington, was Nov. 26, 1789. Abraham Lincoln, urged by Sarah J. We will write a custom essay on Thanksgiving specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Hale, revived the custom in 1863, appointing as the date the last Thursday of November. In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. When a contradiction arose between Roosevelts proclamation and some of those of state governors, Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions; the customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims first thanksgiving feast. Bibliography Student Referance Library History Reports . Thanksgiving Essay Example For Students Thanksgiving Essay When the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock almost four centuries ago, settlers laid the foundations for a republic. Thanksgiving Essay is a traditional American holiday celebrated on the third Thursday in November. The roots of the holiday date back to the early 17th century when a group of settlers made a difficult voyage from Europe to start a colony. Their first winter in what is now Massachusetts was devastating, and more than half of them died. The harvest later that year was minimal. In thanks for Gods many miracles that enabled them to survive and prosper. Later, an Indian named Squanto found the hungry and ill Americans, then he ran to his tribe and told them that there were some sick people on the shore so the Indian tribe brought food from there farms and helped the settlers survive. They celebrated with a feast of thanksgiving, which Americans commemorate today. Bibliography: . We will write a custom essay on Thanksgiving specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
воскресенье, 24 ноября 2019 г.
The Union Jack Flag - Flag of the United Kingdom
The Union Jack Flag - Flag of the United Kingdom The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the flag of the United Kingdom. The Union Jack has been in existence since 1606, when England and Scotland merged, but changed to its current form in 1801 when Ireland joined the United Kingdom Why the Three Crosses? In 1606, when England and Scotland were both ruled by one monarch (James I), the first Union Jack flag was created by merging the English flag (the red cross of Saint George on a white background) with the Scottish flag (the diagonal white cross of Saint Andrew on a blue background). Then, in 1801, the addition of Ireland to the United Kingdom added the Irish flag (the red Saint Patricks cross) to the Union Jack. The crosses on the flags relate to the patron saints of each entity - St. George is the patron saint of England, St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, and St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Why Is It Called the Union Jack? While no one is quite certain where the term Union Jack originated, there are many theories. Union is thought to come from the union of the three flags into one. As for Jack, one explanation states that for many centuries a jack referred to a small flag flown from a boat or ship and perhaps the Union Jack was used there first. Others believe that Jack could come from the name of James I or from a soldiers jack-et. There are plenty of theories, but, in truth, the answer is that no one knows for sure where Jack came from. Also Called the Union Flag The Union Jack, which is most properly called the Union Flag, is the official flag of the United Kingdom and has been in its current form since 1801. The Union Jack on Other Flags The Union Jack is also incorporated into the flags of four independent countries of the British Commonwealth - Australia, Fiji, Tuvalu, and New Zealand.
четверг, 21 ноября 2019 г.
An evaluation something on campus after closely studying this Essay
An evaluation something on campus after closely studying this something ,develop fair criteria topic can be a specific place,event,or service(must be on campus) - Essay Example The staff has been specifically trained and organized to manage the health of the students. There is enough medication for the students in the college and this leads to a better way of running the campus since there is not much time wasted on treating the students. One of the major drawbacks of the health care systems is that it has a paying fees for the service provided, which comes at a cost to the students who expect subsidised costs and cheap services, which is something missing from this system. The health care system also does not have enough space to cater to a large number of people at the same time, and this may prove to be futile if there arises a need to cater to a large number of students. Since all the students are eligible for treatments it basically depends on who can afford the treatment and who cannot. To meet the requirement of each and every student the college has made sure that the treatment comes cheap and not too expensive so that the people don’t have to think twice before going for the health care system. The health care center also offers health insurance for the students at a very nominal charge. This is done to facilitate health consciousness and awareness among the students of the college and to allow them to retain benefit from the college at the cheapest prices. The idea is to make sure that if anything happens to the students then the health insurance will cover the greatest of the greatest costs of the students and that shall also help him to undergo his treatment at low prices. Whenever a student visits the college a confidential health record is maintained by the college health center. This is done to maintain the privacy of the student and also in the best interest of medical ethics. There are certain rights which the patient has and these shall be understood in detail. The first and the foremost right the patient has is the right to be given quality treatment irrespective of the background of the
среда, 20 ноября 2019 г.
Pro and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper
Pro and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana - Research Paper Example Scientists have conducted many experiments on marijuana, which have proved that the plant has very many medicinal attributes. Protagonists are pushing for marijuana legalization by showing evidence that the plant can be used to control or cure a variety of medical complications. First, marijuana has anti-inflammatory attributes, and it is also used as a pain reliever. It is a very potent pain reliever that can be used to numb pain experienced by patients with AIDS, Cancer or multiple sclerosis and other painful medical conditions. Marijuana also contains substances that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease or some of the symptoms, especially in elderly people. Marijuana has also indicated great success in fighting neurological decay and inflammation caused by old age. Marijuana has been used to control seizures, increase appetite in AIDS and cancer victims, fight glaucoma, epilepsy and muscular dystrophy. Scientists have also isolated cancer-fighting substances in marijuana that ha ve proved to beneficial in the fight against cancer. These are a few examples of the medicinal value of marijuana and as more research is conducted on the plant, there are prospects in finding new medicinal attributes of the cannabis plant. It is only ethical for lawmakers to consider these beneficial attributes of marijuana, which surpass its abuse, therefore, legalizing the cannabis plant (Caulkins, 2012). Economically, the government will reap billions from legalizing marijuana because it is an underground and untaxed business.
воскресенье, 17 ноября 2019 г.
Women in Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Women in Psychology - Essay Example Karen Horney maintained additional views of children and the onset of anxiety, granting her respect in the psychological community. This project describes the background of Karen Horney and highlights her many contributions to psychology. Karen Horney (1885-1952) grew up in Hamburg, Germany to more affluent, upper-middle-class parents with a Protestant background. Horney’s father was a deeply religious man and a ship captain while her mother was a more liberal thinker who promoted Horney to succeed in medical school (Smith, 2007). This was during a period in the early 20th Century when women had not yet achieved the right to vote, making Horney’s arrival in medical school in 1906 a monumental event, especially with her focus on studying Freud’s viewpoints on psychoanalysis (Eckardt, 2005). In the 1920’s, Horney began to challenge Freud’s viewpoint on masculinity and femininity, especially in areas of sexual development and sexual instinct. She began to criticize Freud’s perspective in which he believed that women felt inferior to men because they did not have a penis (Eckardt). Horney felt that this was a very one-sided perspective, riddled with masculine narcissism, which consistently created bias against women during psychoanalysis. Over time, Horney redeveloped Freud’s view on feminine sexuality and created a new template by which women are assessed: One in which the absence of a penis no longer became the perceived foundation of women’s troubles. In a sense, based on the women’s suffrage movements occurring during this time period, Horney managed to liberate women when being analyzed for psychological study as more than merely the product of masculine envy. Sigmund Freud laid the foundation for many of the views of the time regarding anxiety and the development of positive personality traits. Over the years, Karen Horney redeveloped the view of anxiety by suggesting that anxiety is not
пятница, 15 ноября 2019 г.
Ethics and Morality of the Death Penalty | Personal View
Ethics and Morality of the Death Penalty | Personal View The death penalty is an immoral and ineffective policy. In this paper I will show that the death penalty is ineffective and immoral. I will prove that it is ineffective by showing that it has been imposed on innocent people, targets racial minorities, and does not deter crime. In addition, I will prove that it is an immoral practice. The death penalty has been imposed on innocent people in the past. Researchers James Liebman and Jeffry Fagan examined death penalty cases in a time period of twenty-two years and found that most of the cases were not conducted correctly, and that many of the defendants were innocent. Of the eighty-two percent of defendants with death sentences that were overturned by state appellate courts7% were found to be innocent of the capital crime charged (Schmalleger). The innocence of some of the defendants convicted of a capital crime proves the fallibility of the juries which convicted them. Juries impose their racial prejudices when finding a defendant guilty or innocent. This is evident in the ratio of African Americans and Caucasian Americans in the population, compared to the ration of them convicted with the death penalty. African Americans compose of twelve percent of the population of the United States, and they compose of forty-two percent of the number of current people on death row. Moreover, in almost every death penalty [of a black person], the race of the victim is white, whereas [since 1972] only one [death penalty] has involved a white defendant for the murder of a black person (Schmalleger). These statistics clearly indicate that juries impose their racial prejudices on defendants. Crime rates do not deter in states with the death penalty. Many death penalty apologists claim that the imposition of the death penalty deters people from committing violent crimes. However, studies have shown that homicides in some states with the death penalty are, shockingly, higher than those without it. Moreover, it is also a financial burden to impose the death penalty on people. It costs more to impose the death penalty on someone than it does to confine them to prison for life. The concept of the death penalty is immoral in itself, for it returns a wrong for a wrong. The wrongness or evil of an action is not affected when imposed on someone who committed a wrong in the past. This is because the wrongness of an action exists within the action itself, and not the circumstances in which the action is committed. The reason that the state gets involved when someone does some sort of wrong is because that wrong has somehow disturbed the order of society. And people are jailed or imprisoned to prevent them from further disturbing the order of society. But returning the wrong (e.g. the death penalty) does not repair the order that existed prior to the first wrong, but only disturbs it more. This is because retribution (e.g. imposing the death penalty on someone who murdered someone) is not a good and if it were the case that it is a good then someone should be able to enact revenge on someone who wronged them in the past. For example, if it were the case that retri bution is good then a man should be able to steal from a thief who stole from him in the first place. Another example is someone raping an individual who raped them prior to the first incident. These two examples clearly show that it is evidently untrue that retribution is good. Thus, the death penalty is not beneficial to society, and it is also immoral. In this paper I have showed that the death penalty is both ineffective and immoral. It is ineffective in that it does not deter crime, it is imposed on innocent people, and targets racial minorities. It is immoral because it returns a wrong for a wrong, and a wrong is never right, evidently. Therefore, the death penalty is an immoral and ineffective practice. Reference:Â Schmalleger, Frank. Criminology. 2nd. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2011.
вторник, 12 ноября 2019 г.
Immigrants in Singapore
Name: Clara Soo Wen Lin (4) Class: 2E History Holiday SEQ Assignment Question 1(a) Immigrants came to early Singapore due to push factors such as famines and droughts as well as natural disasters and starvation, and the desire to seek protection and safety. India was overpopulated and the immigrants faced many droughts and natural disasters in their homeland. After droughts wiped out their crops and resulted in famine, many would be forced to find jobs in the city in order to earn a living to feed their families. However, jobs were scarce which caused many of them to seek employment outside of India. With the prospect of finding jobs outside, this would at least give them a chance to survive. Similarly in China, with famines and droughts being a common occurrence, accompanied by the shortage of fertile land for crop cultivation, a huge portion of the population who worked as labourers or farmers resulted in starving. Furthermore, there was much disorder and unrest in China as the people were trying to overthrow the corrupted Qing government, resulting in many Chinese seeking protection and safety outside China. On the coastal areas in the Malay Archipelago, pirate attacks were frequents; in war-torn areas in Sumatra, Java and Malaya, life was extremely unsafe, which was why many Malays were â€Å"pushed†to leave their homeland. Therefore, the first reason why immigrants came to early Singapore was because of push factors such as famines and droughts as well as natural disasters and starvation, and the desire to seek protection and safety. Pull factors which brought many immigrants to Singapore was because Singapore can provide more job and business opportunities as well as better living conditions, the free immigration policies and not to forget that Singapore was a free trading port. As news of the founding of Singapore spread to neighbouring countries and even the countries as far away as India and China, many traders and shippers were attracted to Singapore where they could enjoy freedom of trade, which meant that they did not have to pay any customs duties or taxes on goods they brought into, or out of, Singapore. Singapore also served as a efficient trading centre where the British traders could sell their goods to people throughout Southeast Asia. Large numbers of people from the Malay Archipelago, Southeast Asia, India, China and other parts of the world flocked to Singapore to trade or to look for work because of the free immigration policies which meant that the immigrants were allowed to come and go as they pleased. As there was no warfare in Singapore then, it provided the Malays with a peaceful and safe place to settle down into. In this manner, Singapore in the 19th century was like a magnet which attracted many immigrants due to the many pull factors such as free immigration policies, freedom of trade, more job and business opportunities as well as better living conditions. Question 1(b) I agree to a large extent that the success of Singapore as a prosperous trading centre depended solely on the contributions of the migrant workers who came to Singapore in the 19th century. To shape Singapore into what it is today – a successful and prosperous trading centre – was mainly due to the presence of trade activities and revenue earned. However, it did not depend on the immigrants solely as Farquhar and Raffles were key figures in solving the problems brought about by the migrant workers along with their contributions to Singapore. The Malays contributed to trade by bringing in straits produce like coffee, birds’ nests, spices and rice from the East Indies to Singapore. Straits produce are the products that are grown in the East Indies. These Straits produce helped to widen the variety of goods being traded between Singapore and other countries. Therefore, trade was enhanced. In the aspect of education, some Malays who were educated worked as journalists or teachers. One famous example is Munshi Abdullah who could speak many languages and also wrote books about the early Singapore. Malays were also expert boat-builders. Besides making boats for traders, they also served as sailors and officers on the ships. Others worked as policemen, fishermen and watchmen. The Chinese also made many contributions from middlemen to merchants and planters. Some Chinese businessmen acted as middlemen between the British and the non-English speaking traders. They bought straits produce from the Asians and sold them to the British. Most of the middlemen were Peranakans. Among them were Tan Kim Seng and Tan Tock Seng. Some Chinese were shopkeepers who sold daily needs like cloth, medicine and provisions. Hoo Ah Kay was a shopkeeper who supplied ships with bread and vegetables. He also owned a bakery and an accessories shop. He owned a large gambier plantation and he was the first businessman who produced cash crops in large amount. Other than the above mentioned, Chinese also served as skilled labourers like carpenters, barbers and goldsmiths. Those who were unskilled worked as hawkers, servants, coolies and rickshaw-pullers. In terms of business, North Indians became milkmen who sold milk to other Indians or Europeans. They reared cows, goat and buffaloes to get their milk. Others were shopkeepers who provided daily needs like food, cloth and laundry services. Besides these, The Indian Muslims served as moneychangers and also moneylenders. Lastly, we also have the Sikhs who were good policemen and watchmen because of their strength and body size. The thieves were scared of their Beards and turbans. Europeans had the knowledge of trade and commerce. They setup companies, which had connections with Europe with their capital. They sold the goods that were made in Europe and shipped the goods that they bought from Asia back to Europe. Among them were Alexander Guthrie and Edward Boustead. The European merchants gave their opinions and pointed out the weaknesses of the government here. Some of them volunteered to be unpaid judges. They helped to maintain law and order in this way. Even though the immigrants played a significant role in contributing to Singapore to aid her development, they also created many problems for the settlement. Singapore became a lawless society, where secret societies were rampant because many of the Chinese who voluntarily joined were lonely in a new settlement and sought for friendship, protection as well as help and assistance that they believed the secret societies could provide them with. These people committed many crimes, from gang robberies to obstruction to justice and even to the extent of murder. They were a powerful group of people as the inefficient police force was ill-equipped in the 1800s and they could not understand the language of the Chinese secret societies. This resulted in insecurities of the residents in Singapore and may result in traders doubting the security of Singapore and not coming here to trade. This would implicated our port prosperity and bring down our revenue earned. Other key figures such as Raffles and Farquhar also have to be credited for their share of contribution to the development of Singapore. Raffles drew up a Town Plan during his visit to Singapore in 1822 as he found that the settlement had grown in a most disorderly manner. The town was divided into different areas for government, business and residential. Different races also settled in different areas of town, which could help reduce conflict between the different races who practised different cultures. Farquhar, on the other hand, firstly helped to get the traders from the places nearby to come to Singapore and trade as not many people knew about the settlement in Singapore. He invited the immigrants from Malacca to come and trade and stationed an office at St. John’s Island to inform the trading ships passing by about the settlement in Singapore. Apart from setting a stable foundation for the trading port, he also took care of problems such as the lack of building materials, food, tools and other necessities, the pests that roamed all over the settlement and also tried to solve the problem of common occurrences of crimes and robberies by setting up a small police force. Therefore, in conclusion, I agree to a large extent that the success of Singapore as a prosperous trading centre depended solely on the contributions of the migrant workers . The migrant workers contributed in different areas, mainly building the settlement, promoting trade, working for the government and also serving the community. Their contributions went a long way in helping the people and improving their lives in the long run. Without the hark word of these migrant workers, the fact that Singapore became a successful port would not have been made possible. On the other hand, I would have to disagree that success of Singapore was only due to the immigrants' contributions. Other key figures such as Raffles and Farquhar played a significant role in guiding Singapore through, hand-in-hand with the immigrants.
воскресенье, 10 ноября 2019 г.
Do Women Have To Behave Like Men In Order To Succeed Essay
The old Virginia Slims cigarette print advertisement said â€Å"You’ve come a long way baby. †, a reference to the fight of women for rights equivalent to those of men. Indeed women’s suffrage has come a long way from the days of chaining themselves to wagons in the crusade to get women the right to vote. These days, women have become an important and integral part of society. Women are now movers, shakers, and builders who help shape the future not only of nations, but of the world. The question being asked now is â€Å"Have women lost their sense of womanhood in the quest to be treated as an equal of their male counterparts in the workplace? I believe that nothing could be further from the truth. Women do not have to behave like men in order to succeed because it is their womanhood that sets them apart and makes them more effective than men in most instances. I believe that women are successful in whatever they undertake because they have been blessed with the ability to balance hard as nails logic with emotional consideration for the final outcome of various discussions. This is not to say that one sex or the other shall be more successful in a given field based solely upon the gender of a person. A clear example of such a scenario can be seen in the highly successful political careers of former Arkansas governor and president of the country Bill Clinton and his wife, the senator from New York Hillary Rodham Clinton. Their relationship I believe, is a symbiotic one wherein Hillary was allowed to keep her femininity even has she proved to be just as hard working and dedicated to her political career as any man elected to public office. This is a political relationship that borrows strengths and weaknesses from each other. Bill Clinton styled himself after his political idol, the late president John F. Kennedy but, recognized the potential of his wife to be his productive partner in the political arena not only because she was a woman, but because she is a highly intelligent and analytical person who can see things that he may not see. While Bill Clinton was viewed as a politician gifted with skill, intelligence and an uncanny ability to deceive people for his own political benefit, he was also granted the abilities of resiliency and endurance. The very same qualities that people now see Hillary sharing with remarkable similarity with her husband who is also her political mentor. It is this sharing of strengths and weaknesses that makes him a formidable man and she a formidable woman. As a woman, Hillary faced the same problems and wife faces, most notably, the seemingly endless philandering of her husband and the subsequent results of her decision to stay by his side no matter what the cost. She has always shown that she is a true-blue woman in dealing with her private affairs with her husband by keeping her reactions out of the press and dealing with the problem privately whenever possible. This however, did not make her less of an equal in the eyes of her husband who gave her, at the time of his presidency, the voice to be heard in the political decision making process that is usually reserved for the vice president and attorney general. President Clinton had openly said during his presidency that he valued her opinion and she had influence on his administrative policies. Did she have to behave like a man to achieve that status in their relationship? No. Instead, she was the other voice that Clinton may or may not have heard from his political advisers. She was the voice of the women in the White House. Since they were a tag team in the White House during his presidency, it is expected that if Hillary makes it to the White House in 2008, Bill will then take on the role of adviser to the president just as Hillary did for him and in the process, they will continue to be mirror images of each other for the benefit of the country. This time, Bill will be voice of the men that Hillary listens to and considers. In conclusion, I would like to point out that some of the most notable names of political leaders in the 20th century have been women. Margaret Thatcher, Cory Aquino, and Indira Gandhi to name but a few. All are women who were not just political leaders but daughters, wives, and mothers as well. Women in the true sense of the word, but leaders in the world formerly dominated by men as well.
пятница, 8 ноября 2019 г.
Marketing Management Essays
Marketing Management Essays Marketing Management Essay Marketing Management Essay Essay Topic: Shane | You are here: * Home * Business * Small Business Information * Marketing * Marketing management Marketing/Marketing management Advertisement Expert: Leo Lingham 10/7/2009 Question Sir could you please answer the following two questions for me? I need your help in answering these. PLease reply me as soon as possible. 1. Marketing management an artistic exercise and therefore highly subjective versus marketing management is largely a scientific excercise with well established guidelines and criteria 2. How does cause or corporate societal marketing affect consumers personal behavior? Clarify in context to the products and services you are using or planning to purchase. Answer SARA, HERE IS  SOME USEFUL  MATERIAL. REGARDS LEO LINGHAM ========================================= 1. Marketing management an artistic exercise and therefore highly subjective versus marketing management is largely a scientific excercise with well established guidelines and criteria MARKETING  MANAGEMENT  IS  A  SCIENTIFIC EXERCISE  WITH  ESTABLISHED GUIDELINES/ OBJECTIVES. SCOPE   OF  MARKETING  MANAGEMENT Establish  , direct, administer  and  coordinate the  overall product marketing programs   for  all   Products.. Strategically  plan for, develop  and profitably penetrate  the  markets to which  the  products, services  and  capabilities  of  the  company  can be directed. These  activities  include -studying economic indicators -tracking  changes in  supply  and  demand -identifying customers  and  their  current  and  future needs -monitoring the competition. ========================================================= THIS SCOPE  IS   THE RESULT  OF THE  FOLLOWING: * Analysis * Discussion * judgement Illustration * Decision ON  THESE   ELEMENTS. External Analysis 1. Customer Analysis Segments Motivations Unmet Needs 2. Competitor Analysis Identify Performance Image Objectives Strategies Strengths Weaknesses 3. Market Analysis Size Projected Growth Entry Barriers D istribution System Trends Key Success factors 4. Environmental Analysis Technology Government Regulations Economic Trend I A. Opportunities B. Threats C. Trends D. Others Customer/Market Segment Analysis SEGMENTATION Biggest Customers/Market Segments Profitable ones/Attractive Potential The purpose of differentiation is to set up own brands. This is the process that converses goods or services to a strong brand. Differentiation aims to ensure goods or services have different features and characteristics of a companys products. Differentiation focuses on the innovation of goods or services rather than the low price in competition. Because of the unique element of goods or services, producers can charge more prices but still have a lot of customers and get the customers appreciation. When there is no cost advantage to compete with low cost, differentiation becomes the only choice for enterprise to make a business viable and to develop a competitive market. The information acquired from market research is the necessary foundation necessary to establish a differentiation strategy. Using research results, you can specify a list of specific aspects of your brand different from competitors. Consider two light products, they are two unused products and the power are 100 watts. If you must buy one of them, which brand will you choose: Blue Sparks (U.S. $3) or White Heat ($ U.S2.5)? Customers seem unconscious of the difference between 2 products, which one is better? White Heat, of course, because this product is cheaper than 50 cents. The author will analyze this case below. Everyone expects good services come with your transaction. If you cannot provide good services, you cannot participate in competitive market today. Service quality is extremely difficult for competitors to imitate when they want, because the service is not an inanimate object. It is very hard to train employees so that they can always provide high quality services. It is also a difficult for your opponents if they want to copy your service quality. Doyle (1989) said that to build a successful brand, service is the important key to gain sustainable differential advantage. According to Barwise, P. (2004): There is a solution to make a differentiation: be better. There are some reasons to use service differentiation: First, service quality is very hard to achieve, you will probably success or fail when using this strategy. No doubt about the big achievement if it works, but there are too many factors beyond control. Thus, the use of service differentiation factor should only be done if you have the capacity to achieve a higher quality level of opponent and maintain good quality. Second, customers become more and more difficult; they have awareness that quality is required. As well as product quality, service quality is what customers expect you to automatically provide them. And the last one, using service differentiation is a great risk, because the brand has guaranteed to do something, they must do it seriously. If you guaranteea great service but this is not done, the result is actually very bad. Customers will know it and your business can break apart. Canons slogan is delighting you always which it means customers always feels excited when they take picture by this camera. Therefore, the employees will explain clearly to customers about the camera when they have problems. If the customers understand how to use it clearly, they will not have problems. This will makes customer comfortable with the service and they will come back again. It is the strategy that Canon has used to get more follow-up business. Viettel becomes largest telecom service provider with lots of promotion on prepay packet, post paid package, home phone and Internet, etc. Besides, the customer service is very good, when customers have any problems with product or service, the employee can help you. This 24-hour-a-day service provides a satisfaction to customers. Volvo brand around outstanding benefits: safety. They do everything possible to improve this characteristic. This success make their competitors recognize the importance of investing in safety features of the product. * Definition Kotler and Keller (2009) show that if you have better employees than the competitors, you will have more sustainable competitive advantage. A companys employees should not be overlooked, it will be a important turning-point to crush the competitors. Businesses have to spend time and money to choose good employees and train their skill to become better. A well-trained production staff will makes a better quality product or service. The businesses have to differentiate themselves to gain a competitive advantage through skillful employees who can serve customers with good characteristics: appearance, knowledge, intelligence, self restraint, honesty, courage, patience, empathy, competence, courtesy, credibility, reliability, responsiveness and communication. Herb Kelleher (1999), CEO of Southwest Airlines said that: competitors can do everything to imitate the tangibles. They may make same policies, same prices to compete with you. But they cannot copy is the spirit of your people. Gucci is the symbol of luxury goods, such as Gucci Loves New York handbag collection are sold out in 2 days. A lot of rich people think that these product can reflect their VIP lifestyle. For KFC product, people are familiar with the image of old man, white hair, wearing eyeglass. This image appears everywhere: supermarkets, stores, bars. Customer can easily identify this mage is belonged to KFC. Starbucks is a coffee brand which is evaluated very high by customers. They said that Starbuckss system is very warm and close. Its interior is quite special with a lot of sofas. In this report, the author has analyzed various techniques of differentiation. Differentiation in the current information age is really a great challenge for brand. All the differences can be copied and improved, that makes differentiation becomes obsolete. For this reason, business has to create major technical barriers with creative ways that many competitors cannot keep up or follow because the risk is too great. This can only be as the brand management and sensitivity to predict market trends to offer products and services completely distinct from competitors. That is the reason why you should create a breakthrough to add and improve the benefits of the product with the ultimate objective is to improve the competitiveness of products on the market.
среда, 6 ноября 2019 г.
Business Analysis in the Class Projects Example
Business Analysis in the Class Projects Example Business Analysis in the Class Projects – Assignment Example ï » ¿Business Analysis in the Class Projects True or False 1. Free trade makes good economic sense. True 2. Dumping is when a company sells their product in another country below their domestic price and actual cost. True 3. Developing findings for marketing involves setting research objectives and identifying possible marketing actions. False 4. As a manager, sales forecasting techniques can help you understand your potential profits and manage your expenses. True 5. African American, Turkish men between the ages of 15-30 who are in high school or college is an example of a target market by demographic. True 6. Placing all consumers into one group is an example of segmenting buyers False 7. Game Theory is about analyzing strategic moves one company makes against another in a given industry. True 8. Consumers really donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t need to learn much about toothpaste. True 9. Consumers may spend a lot of time on the Internet analyzing the best computer for their needs. True 10. A dress shirt with no sleeves might be a reason for its failure. True 11. Microsoftà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Zune failed because it came to market a little too late. True 12. Groupthink is a reason why products can fail. True 13. Groupthink is when everyone making a major strategic decision is able to speak freely. False 14. You can bring a product to the commercialization stage without screening and evaluation and be successful. False 15. Service businesses are about Customer Experience Management. True QUESTION 4 What is business analysis and why is it important? Explain what’s involved by sharing the analysis in your class projects. Business analysis is a process that allows companies to identify its business needs and problems and solution for these problems in a way that it can serve its serve the market profitably and satisfy its stakeholders. The two most important and widely accepted tools for business analysis are PESTLE and SWOT. PESTLE is acronym that stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal and Environmental factors of a business environment. This allows companies to understand what kind of challenges or advantage business environment can offer. SWOT analysis allows analyzing possibilities of growth and survival for the company from the internal and external environment. It stands for strengths and weakness which are the organizational internal factors and Opportunity and threats which are offered by the business environment for the company. Strengths Revolutionary device Integration of phone, music player, and PDA Availability to access to network contents (Maps, Calendar, Contact, and Files) Advanced touch screen (first multi touch screen) Limitless upgradeability (by addition of application, or an upgrade of OS) Better usability than old PDA Apple’s brand image Synergies with apple’s computers, software, and accessories Diversity of distribution Loyal customers Weakness Price User Interface Battery life (as mobile device) Poor internet connection (2G/3G/Wi-Fi availability) Less resolution camera Lack of phone provider (AT&T is only the company customer can choose) Difficulties to use (much complicated than an â€Å"average†phone) Limited data storage as the device to store data Less image on apple’s business adaptability Opportunity Innovation of smart phone market Market is opened for the people who are now on the job or soon on the job Potential world-wide market Open new business chance by opening its application market To expand company’s loyal customer To have strong connection(s) with cell phone company Threats Technology advance AT&T customer service (in the U.S.) Program crashes, or even virus programs provided by third party application Difficulty expanding to specific market (Japan, and probably China) Increasing competition in smart phone market QUESTION 5 What are the four I’s of service? Give an example of the four I’s using one service product that exists in South Korea and not in the USA. Be specific. The four I’s of service marketing are intangibility, inseparability, inventory and inconsistency. Intangibility means that services can not be produced and stored. Services are produced and consumed simultaneously. Inseparability stands for the organization’s reputation linked with the services it offers. If service fails it can leads to failure of the company as well. Inventory is not possible in services as it can not be stored. Services needs to be consistent and should provide similar or better experience to the customer every time. For example JW Marriott Hotel Seoul the reputation of this multinational hotel is linked with its high class service and consumer experience it offers to its clientele. Irrespective of which part of the country customer is visiting, Marriot group of hotels maintain their database and take care of their preferences. The services are always consistent. Each visit of consumer offers similar or better experience. Question #8 True or False 1. Having standards are important in order to measure success True 2. A good example of a global brand is Papa Ginoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Pizza True 3. A tariff is placed on goods which is the amount of product allowed into a country False 4. Quotas are taxes on products leaving a country False 5. Protectionism really doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t exist with free markets between countries that exist around the world True 6. Direct investment is risk less when you know what your doing in the process True 7. A product adaptation might be changing a product so that ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s more appropriate to the countries climate or consumer preferences True 8. The problem with secondary data is that it can be out of date with the times True 9. People never have à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a story when it comes to goods and services True 10. An example of a marketing driver is price True QUESTION10 Explain the 5 criteria for selecting target markets. Using your projects, give an example of each. The product to be sold is iPhone 3G which is a highly advance technical product. The target consumer should be depended on the internet technology and want to do multiple activities like accessing network contents, integrate it with phone, use it for entertainment purpose and as a PDA. 1. Consumer disposable income 2. consumer should be technology savvy 3. Consumer should have or willing to use range of activities from internet access to entertainment through the iPhone 4. Consumers looking for updates for their technical gadgets 5. Consumers fond of large touch screen. All these qualities are possible with the professionals in job or going to do jobs, high disposable incomes, and technology oriented, fond of best technical gadgets of the market place and continuously look for upgrading their mobile phones. Question 11 video case ch.10 1.Location 2 a Target market Target market is on-the-go women looking for small portions. 2b Positioning The product is positioned as single serve treats, warm and small portions and occasional delicious treats. 2 c Opportunities and Hindrances of target market and positioning Strengths were Good taste, good preparation, single portion and no cleanups. Cakes were usually bought for occasion. There were other problems of microwave, high calories desert problem, pricing problem, communication and lack of innovation. 3 a Market research conducted Study revealed list of problems from the perception and possible attitude resulting in low sales 3b Critical questions and advice What the target consumer wants? Target consumer wants small portion, warm and delicious treats. Does out products offer that? Changes in products according to the preferences of target consumer, better marketing and branding strategies and good quality products. 3c Impact on Marketing Mix Product, pricing, place and promotion all aspects have been covered. The products were made available at different stores in order to increase, small portion with different prices were made available and the stock of the products on the retail store was strategized to make it more appealing. 4 a Initial Promotional plan Promotional plans talked about the changes of the product making it more appealing and putting it to the supermarket shelves and in displays of various stores where target consumer can be reached. 4b Reason of Promotional plan after launch The ongoing feedback program helped the company to get consistent information and feedback on the strategies adopted and incorporate changes time to time. 5 Changes recommended The products can be made more suitable to the children and people with diversified lifestyles.
воскресенье, 3 ноября 2019 г.
Premarital screening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Premarital screening - Essay Example Most of the technologies applied to provide these challenges are usually applied in; screening, diagnosis as well as information control and management. Cervical cancer is one of the current reproductive health challenge faced by the current generation; science has shown that it a condition caused by tissues that develops around the cervix. Characteristically, this form of cancer develops slowly and may take a longer time to be detected. Other causes of cervical cancer has been identified to occur from the essence of having multiple sexual partners among women, Human papillomavirus (HPV), early age sexual inter course and smoking of cigarettes (cervicalcancer.about.com). To begin with, science has played a major role in provision of solution to this current reproductive system by providing a platform for the scientists to conduct scientific researches geared towards proving solution through; acquisition of imperative information concerning new methodologies of treatment (cervicalcancer.about.com). Additionally, science had played a major role in the context of technology by facilitating the development of screening and treatment methods. The treatment methods are; radiotherapy, chemotherapy together with surgery. These methods may sometimes be used through a combination of one or two of them; however, in most cases, a single treatment method is usually applied to the patients (Yarbro et al 2005, pg.37). Surgical treatment of cancer can be conducted in various ways; the first method applied in the surgical treatment is the removal of the lymph nodes which is scientifically known as lymphadenectomy. The other surgical treatment method is the complete removal of the cervix and the organs around it; the method is scientifically known as radical trachelectomy (World Health Organization 123). The functionality of chemotherapy, involves the killing of cancerous cells by utilization of radiation rays. Chemotherapy drugs are also imperatively used to kill the
пятница, 1 ноября 2019 г.
Justice exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Justice exam - Essay Example Rawls defines the capacity for a sense of justice as â€Å"the capacity to understand, to apply, and to act from the public conception of justice which characterizes the fair terms of cooperation†, which includes â€Å"a willingness...to act in relation to others on terms that they also can publicly endorse†(Garrett, 2005; Rawls, 1971; Rawls, 2001). There are two important elements here. First: To comply with this standard only requires conventional morality, knowing and obeying society's norms (Kohlberg, 1958; Crain, 1985). Postconventional morality, or the ability to think independently of society and question its norms, is not necessary. Second: Rawls is not saying that one always has to act on that willingness and capacity. A criminal could steal food knowing about society's norms but rejecting them for some higher good, or even steal money out of callousness, and still not lose their position as equal members of the community necessarily. Thus, many criminals and deeply flawed people are still part of Rawls' moral universe. Similarly, Rawls defines the conception of good as some idea of a goal or what is good in life and what is valuable, which usually is expressed as â€Å"a more or less determinate scheme of final ends, that is, ends [goals] that we want to realize for their own sake, as well as attachments to other persons and loyalties to various groups and associations†(Garret, 2005; Rawls, 1971). This is even less restrictive than the other condition. To satisfy this condition, one merely need have some idea of the good at some level of sophistication. One can disagree sharply with society and with Rawls and still be part of the moral universe. These ideas are important to later elements of Rawls' arguments about ethics because they express highly unrestrictive notions of who deserves to be treated as part of the community that nonetheless provide some discriminatory power above and beyond simply saying that all human beings ar e exactly equal. An utter sociopath with no capacity for morality and a stunted notion of what is good may not qualify for community membership and thus not be entitled to all of the rights of the community, for example. Rawls' idea of blind society design and the difference principle are also supported by this notion of the two goods. Rawls' moral psychology is connected to this notion in that it establishes a sort of species characteristic of moral and justice intuition. â€Å"The moral sentiments are a normal part of human life. One cannot do away with them without at the same time dismantling the natural attitudes as well†(Rawls, 1971). These elements were never fully completed, not least because the psychological evidence for them is limited and hard to establish, but later Rawlsian theorists like Baldwin did continue in that vein (). Baldwin argues that Rawls' notion of moral psychology has an inextricably social character: For Rawls, social behavior and rules are part of our innate moral intuitions. Rawls was far from alone in assuming that there is an innate psychological predisposition to moral concerns: Hume and Chomsky share this notion. â€Å"What's the source of such moral truisms? We don't know much more than David Hume did 250 years ago when he pointed out that our moral judgments are so rich and complex, and apply so readily to new cases, that they must derive from some fixed principles, and since we cannot acquire these from experience, they must be part of our nature (14). Rather like
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